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Results for "axtmann"

Name: Franz Axtmann

Birth: 15 Oct 1765 Burbach, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Death: 20 Dec 1840 Burbach, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Father: Johannes AXTMANN

Mother: Maria Christina MERKLINGER

Name: Martin Axtmann

Birth: 03 Mar 1879 Baden, Odessa, Russia

Death: 26 Mar 1936 North Dakota, United States

Father: Steffanus Stephan Axtmann

Mother: Margaretha Sanders

Name: Lillian Josephine Axtmann

Birth: 17 Aug 1906 Cook County, Illinois, USA

Death: 10 Jun 1985 Arlington Heights, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: August Henry Axtmann

Mother: Mary C. Hollar

Name: Margaret C Axtmann

Birth: 19 May 1877 Grafton, Taylor, West Virginia

Death: 16 Jul 1955 Cook, Illinois

Father: August Henry Axtmann

Mother: Mary Catherine Britt

Name: Ottilia Axtmann

Birth: 4 Dec 1896 Baden, Odessa, Kutschurgan district, Kherson province, Russia

Death: 9 Jul 1988 Balta, Pierce, North Dakota, United States

Father: Joseph Axtmann

Mother: Elizabeth Wangler

Name: Charles Frank Axtmann

Birth: abt 1888 New York

Death: 01 Jan 1964 Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio, USA

Father: Anton (Anthony) Axtmann

Mother: Margaret Axtmann (née Baker)

Name: Frank J Axtmann

Birth: 12 Mar 1891 Baden, Kutschurgan, South, Russia

Death: 5 Apr 1968 Rugby, Pierce, North Dakota, United States of America

Father: Joseph Axtmann

Mother: Elizabeth Wangler

Name: Marie Axtmann

Birth: abt 1882 Germany

Death: 1962 Liverpool, Onondaga, New York, USA

Father: jacob Kapp

Mother: Elizabeth Bittle

Name: Margaretha Axtmann

Birth: 3 Jan 1911 North Dakota

Death: 20 Mar 2005 Yakima, Yakima County Washington

Father: Martin Axtman

Mother: Walberg Werran Axtman

Name: Max Million Axtmann

Birth: 13 May 1914 Balta, North Dakota, USA

Death: 21 Jan 1988 St. Boniface Catholic Cemetery, Esmond, North Dakota

Father: Martin Axtman

Mother: Walberg Werran Axtman

Name: August Henry Axtmann

Birth: 25 Dec 1852 Baden, Baden-Baden, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Death: 17 Dec 1913 Evanston, Cook, Illinois

Father: Joseph Axtmann

Mother: Margarethe MERKLINGER

Name: Joannes Valentinus Axtmann

Birth: 31 Dec 1742 Burbach, Marxzell, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Death: 8 Nov 1828 Burbach, Marxzell, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Father: Antonius Axtmann

Mother: Maria Scholastika WAGNER

Name: John Axtmann

Birth: 03 May 1869 New York

Death: 27 Feb 1953 Islip, New York, USA

Father: Edward Axtmann

Mother: Anna Martha Duex

Name: Charles Axtmann

Birth: Feb 1899 Illinois

Death: Dec 1970 Lansdowne, Delaware, Pennsylvania

Father: Josef Axtmann

Mother: Margaret (Maggie) Schreuer (Schryer) (Schreier)

Name: Catharine Louise Axtmann

Birth: Jul 1896 Pennsylvania

Death: Feb 1976 Riverton, Burlington, New Jersey, USA

Father: Gustav J Axtmann

Mother: Pauline Bobbing

Name: Harold G Axtmann

Birth: 03/06/1906 Illinois, USA

Death: 03/13/1983 San Bernardino County, California, USA

Father: Charles Augustine Axtmann

Mother: Emma Schoenbeck Axtmann (Koenig)

Name: Maria Axtmann

Birth: 20 Jan 1738/9 Burbach or Bulach, Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland/Germany

Death: Not Available Burbach, Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland/Germany

Father: Joannes Gerogius Axtmann

Mother: Catharina Bohner

Name: Betty Jeanne Axtmann

Birth: 2 Jun 1924 Long Beach, Los Angeles, California, USA

Death: 30 Apr 2000 Paradise, Butte, California, USA

Father: William Frederick Axtmann

Mother: Alice M Knutson

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