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Results for "barnett"

Name: Taft Barnett

Birth: abt 1913 Missouri

Death: 20 Feb 1991 Sikeston, New Madrid, Missouri, USA

Father: William Henry Barnett

Mother: Mary Ellen Eldridge

Name: Nancy Odessa Barnett

Birth: 21 Aug 1913 Schull Shoals, Greene, Georgia

Death: 4 Oct 2003 Oakland, Alameda, California, United States of America

Father: Frank Barnett

Mother: Mary Polena Moon

Name: Ida Mae Barnett

Birth: 27 Aug 1921 Michigan, USA

Death: 28 Sep 1991 Hesperia, Oceana County, Michigan, USA

Father: Roscoe General Barnett

Mother: Pearl Ann Jamerson

Name: Ruby Darlene Barnett

Birth: 12/10/1918 Missouri

Death: 10/3/2003 Essex CT

Father: John Ambrose Barnett


Name: Robert Clement Barnett

Birth: 22 Jan 1877 Smith County, Kansas

Death: 1953 Orange, Florida, United States

Father: Thompson Barnett

Mother: Zerilda Jane COWDEN

Name: Richard "Dick" Barnett

Birth: 15 Jan 1881 Estill Co., Kentucky, USA

Death: 2 Apr 1949 Winchester, Clark Co., Kentucky, USA

Father: Joseph "Joe" Barnett

Mother: Lucille Keen Hutchinson

Name: Charlene Barnett

Birth: 1926 Arkansas

Death: 23 Apr 2014 Searcy, White, Arkansas, USA

Father: Charles Lee Barnett

Mother: Alberta Rebecca Sisson

Name: Etta E Barnett

Birth: abt 1901 Kentucky

Death: 17 August 1986 Algood,Putnam County,Tennessee,USA

Father: Columbus Barnett

Mother: Sara Ailleen Hampton

Name: Enice Barnett

Birth: Aug 1895 Virginia

Death: 5 May 1966 Pennington Gap, Lee, Virginia, USA

Father: John A. Barnett

Mother: Pinkey Jane Speer

Name: John Henry Barnett

Birth: 20 May 1888 Virginia

Death: 7 Apr 1953 Cambria, Montgomery, Virginia, USA

Father: William Barnett

Mother: Sarah E Booth Hamlin

Name: Randolph W Barnett

Birth: Jun 1854 Kentucky, United States

Death: 9 May 1932 Gypsum Saline County Kansas, USA

Father: John Henry Barnett

Mother: Mahala Jane Henson

Name: Huey Edward Barnett

Birth: 10 Sep 1911 Ensley, Alabama, USA

Death: 31 Jan 1958 Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama

Father: Arnold Monroe Barnett

Mother: Celeste "Lessie" Maynord

Name: Milton Pope Barnett

Birth: abt 1859 Louisiana

Death: 1 Nov 1920 Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USA

Father: Milton Pope Barnett

Mother: Laura Esther Bilbo

Name: Maria M. Barnett

Birth: APR 1816 New Lexington, Perry, OH

Death: 1907 New Lexington, Ohio, USA

Father: Jacob Barnd

Mother: Julia Ann Eckles

Name: Herbert Barnett

Birth: 22 Sept 1921 South Carolina

Death: 4 July 1992 Rock Hill, York, South Carolina, United States of America

Father: Simon Barnette

Mother: Mary/Maggie Crawford

Name: fallis c barnett

Birth: 17 Jan 1897 Grand River, Daviess, Missouri, USA

Death: 9 Jul 1928 Grand River, Daviess, Missouri, USA

Father: James Alexander Barnett

Mother: Rhoda Ella Worley

Name: Jasper Newton Barnett

Birth: 24 Jan 1856 Smithville, Lawrence County, Arkansas, United States of America

Death: 16 Jul 1943 Lawrence, Arkansas

Father: James Melton Barnett

Mother: Margaret Amanda Finley

Name: John Barnett

Birth: 20 Dec 1881 Gentry County, Missouri

Death: 30 Jan 1952 Barnett, De Witt, Illinois, United States

Father: Jesse E Barnett

Mother: Lilly Pritchett

Name: Hastin Rusaw Barnett

Birth: 19 Aug 1867 Washington, Louisiana, United States

Death: 19 Feb 1935 Collin, Texas, United States

Father: James A Barnett

Mother: *Susan B Williams

Name: Nancy Barnett

Birth: 22 Apr 1856 Missouri

Death: 1 APR 1936 Miller County, Missouri

Father: Daniel Shipman

Mother: Malinda Jane Brockman

Name: Mart Barnett

Birth: abt 1896 Tennessee

Death: May 27,1955 Pulaski Tn

Father: James William Barnett

Mother: Maude Butler

Name: William Barnett

Birth: abt 1811 Bramshott, Hampshire, England

Death: 16 May 1884 Standford, Headley, Hampshire, England

Father: William Barnett

Mother: Sarah GAUNTLETT

Name: Addison N Barnett

Birth: Sep 1859 Iowa

Death: OCT 1931 Washington Township, Ia

Father: William Barnett

Mother: Judith N. Saunders

Name: William Willie Barnett

Birth: 15 December 1842 Illinois, USA

Death: 6 Nov 1921 Jasper, Indiana, USA

Father: James Barnett

Mother: Phoebe Huckins

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