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Results for "bortz"

Name: Maria Bortz

Birth: 30 May 1782 Upper Milford, Lehigh Co, Pennsylvania

Death: 9 May 1861 Church, Wetzel, West Virginia, United States

Father: Johan Jacob Bortz

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Wuertz

Name: Wilbur Howard Bortz

Birth: 16 Jun 1909 Dakota, Minnesota, USA

Death: 6 Mar 1970 Cascade, Montana, United States

Father: Albert Frederick Bortz*

Mother: Bertha Augusta Schwanke*

Name: Jacob Bortz

Birth: Abt 1869 Maryland

Death: 16 Mar 1920 Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland

Father: Heinrich Boritz

Mother: Katharine

Name: Jonas James BORTZ

Birth: Feb 1829 Salem Township, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 17 Dec 1903 Salem Township, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Isaac BORTZ

Mother: Magdalena FENNEL

Name: Nora E Bortz

Birth: 9 August 1888 Reading, Pennsylvania

Death: 25 December 1932 West Brunswick, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Harry Franklin Bortz

Mother: Sarah Y Berg

Name: Forrest K Bortz

Birth: 11 Jun 1915 Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 02 Nov 1999 Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Edwin William Bortz

Mother: Rosa Priscilla Krick

Name: Joseph H Bortz

Birth: 20 Feb 1876 Iowa

Death: 17 Apr 1943 Orange, California



Name: Pearl E Bortz

Birth: 28 Feb 1892 Greenville, Pennsylvania

Death: 3 Nov 1963 Albion, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Milton Alfred Bortz

Mother: Mary M Knauff

Name: Michael H. BORTZ

Birth: March 12,1817 Greensburg, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 1898 Iowa City, Johnson, Iowa, USA

Father: Michael Bortz

Mother: Barbara Ann Silvis

Name: Anne Eliza Bortz

Birth: Abt 1828 Ohio, USA

Death: 1880 to 1900 Indiana, USA

Father: John Bortz

Mother: Hestor Bortz

Name: Curtis Henry Bortz

Birth: Feb 1898 Pennsylvania

Death: Nov 1967 Kutztown, Maxatawny Twp., Berks Co., PA

Father: Elias Solomon Bortz

Mother: Sarah L Otto

Name: Jennie K Bortz

Birth: Jun 1882 Pennsylvania

Death: 01 Mar 1967 Lehigh Co., PA

Father: Charles O Bortz

Mother: Hannah C. Pauley

Name: Otis W Bortz

Birth: 25 Jun 1878 Bristol, Greene, Iowa, USA

Death: Nov 1969 Gowrie, Webster, Iowa



Name: Wilhelmina R Bortz

Birth: July 1852 Pennsylvania

Death: 07/05/1934 Birdsboro, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Reuben Bortz

Mother: Mary Magadelina Kamerer

Name: Harold A Bortz

Birth: 27 Oct 1896 Upper Milford Tnsp Lehigh County, Pennsylvania

Death: 14 May 1942 Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Father: George Alexander Bortz

Mother: Ida M Trexler

Name: Miriam E Bortz

Birth: 09/23/1895 Russia

Death: 7 Sep 1983 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio

Father: Eli Woolf Bortz (Bortsch, Botsh, Barsefsky)

Mother: Esther Neidorf

Name: Algie Cresswell Bortz

Birth: 4 Nov 1902 Orange, Orange, California, USA

Death: 31 Jan 1985 Los Angeles

Father: Harry William Bortz

Mother: Lillie May Meats

Name: James S Bortz

Birth: abt 1864 Pennsylvania

Death: 12 September 1949 Harrisville, Butler County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Henry BORTZ

Mother: Elizabeth Shull

Name: Charlotte Bortz

Birth: Feb 1869 Mendon, Adams, Illinois, USA

Death: 1930 Usa

Father: John M. Bortz

Mother: Clarissa Jane Rockwell

Name: Carolina Bortz

Birth: 27 Feb 1830 Pennsylvania

Death: 02 Oct 1919 Reading, Berks, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Solomon Bortz


Name: Warren Alvin BORTZ

Birth: 1930 Lehigh Co.Pennsylvania

Death: 30 MAY 2000 Breinigsville, Upper Macungie Twp., Lehigh Co., PA

Father: John E Bortz

Mother: Florence R Fenstermaker

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