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Results for "breheny"

Name: Catherine Breheny

Birth: May 1865 Boyle, Ireland

Death: December 2, 1937 Queens County, New York, USA

Father: Thomas Breheny

Mother: Eleanor Burke

Name: Michael Breheny

Birth: abt 1831 County Silgo, Ireland

Death: Jun 1916 Salford, Lancashire, England

Father: Jacobi Brehany

Mother: Joanna Breheney Lowe

Name: Anna Breheny

Birth: 22 Nov 1889 Iowa, USA

Death: 29 June 1933 Saint Joseph's Cemetery, Clarinda, Page County, Iowa, United States of America

Father: Patrick Joseph Breheny

Mother: Mary Ellen McCole

Name: Patrick Breheny

Birth: 2 Apr 1879 Stuart, Adair, Iowa

Death: 7 Apr 1934 Atlantic, Cass, Iowa

Father: Dominic E Breheny

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Kearns

Name: Michael F Breheny

Birth: 18 Oct 1891 Achonry, Ireland

Death: 12 Apr 1977 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

Father: James Breheny

Mother: Bridget O'connor

Name: John Breheny

Birth: 24 Feb 1885 Sligo, Ireland

Death: 18 sep 1958 New York City (All Boroughs), New York, USA

Father: Martin Breheny

Mother: Anne Gorman

Name: Joseph Breheny

Birth: abt 1898 Rhode Island

Death: Aug 1971 Providence, Ri

Father: Michael J Breheny

Mother: Cecelia Etheridge

Name: Michael Breheny

Birth: 27 Nov 1905 Ireland

Death: Jan 1979 New York, New York, New York, USA

Father: Owen Breheny

Mother: Anne Connor

Name: Doris L Breheny

Birth: 27 Sep 1924 Iowa

Death: 17 Oct 1999 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa

Father: Patrick Breheny

Mother: Margaret Catherine Cornell

Name: Charles Breheny

Birth: abt 1883 Salford, Lancashire, England

Death: Oct 1938 Salford Lancashire 8d / 393

Father: Michael Breheny

Mother: Margaret Brewen

Name: James Joseph Breheny

Birth: 14 Jan 1915 St Louis, Missouri, USA

Death: 19 Mar 1974 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USA

Father: Patrick Joseph Breheny

Mother: Delia Hughes Breheny

Name: John Breheny

Birth: 27 Jun 1909 Ireland

Death: 14 Mar 1982 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: John Breheny

Mother: Bridget TAHENY

Name: Lawrence Joseph Breheny

Birth: 11 Jun 1935 Keokuk, Lee, Iowa, USA

Death: 14 Jul 2019 West Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA

Father: John Nicholas Breheny

Mother: Mary Helen Breitenstein

Name: Dominic Francis Breheny

Birth: 10 May 1881 Earlham, Madison County, Iowa, USA

Death: 1 June 1958 Audubon, Audubon, Iowa, USA

Father: Patrick Joseph Breheny

Mother: Mary Ellen McCole

Name: Thomas Breheny

Birth: 18 Dec 1818 Tuam, Co Galway, Ireland

Death: 17 Nov 1880 Westport, Co Mayo

Father: Bartholomew Breheny Breheney

Mother: Maria Tighe

Name: Richard M Breheny

Birth: 17 November 1928 Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, USA

Death: 12 March 1985 Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, USA

Father: William Marcus Breheny

Mother: Ruth M Allen

Name: Frances Helen Breheny

Birth: abt 1928 Providence RI USA

Death: 10/24/2012 Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USA

Father: Joseph Ambrose Breheny

Mother: Helen Agnes Grady

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