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Results for "cleve"

Name: Louis Henry Cleve

Birth: 14 Apr 1868 St. Francois County, Missouri

Death: 17 Aug 1930 Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri, USA

Father: Louis Henry Cleve

Mother: Louisa R. Rickus

Name: Carrie Mae Cleve

Birth: 26 November 1887 Vanceboro, Craven, North Carolina, United States

Death: 27 May 1977 Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia, United States

Father: Richard Chapman Cleve

Mother: Toledo Louisa Hart

Name: Ruth H Cleve

Birth: abt 1897 Wisconsin

Death: 31 January 1976 Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, United States of America

Father: Henry B Cleve

Mother: Fredericka Korb

Name: John M. Cleve

Birth: October 8, 1842 Newton Abbot, Devon, United Kingdom

Death: February 20, 1926 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio

Father: James Cleave

Mother: Mary Ireland

Name: Myrtle Olivia Cleve

Birth: Nov 13, 1895 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA

Death: Nov 20, 1989 Hennepin, Minnesota, USA

Father: Carl J Cleve

Mother: Olina Martha Gjerde

Name: James Cleve

Birth: 25 Apr 1822 England

Death: 5 February 1888 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Father: John Cleave

Mother: Charlotte Lear

Name: Mary Grace Cleve

Birth: 1850 England

Death: 1931 St Petersburg, Florida

Father: James Cleave

Mother: Mary Ireland

Name: Ruby Cleve

Birth: 8 Mar 1892 Olney, Richland Co., IL

Death: 6 Apr 1972 Anaheim, CA

Father: Samuel Monroe Van Cleve

Mother: Adda Mae Snyder

Name: George Adam Cleve

Birth: 11 Dec 1872 Farmington, St Francois, Missouri, USA

Death: 13 Jun 1954 Farmington, St Francois, Missouri, USA

Father: Louis Henry Cleve

Mother: Louisa R. Rickus

Name: Walter W Cleve

Birth: 6 Jun 1898 Missouri

Death: 08 Apr 1969 Farmington, St. Francois, Missouri

Father: George Adam Cleve

Mother: Theresa Amanda Miller

Name: Mary CLEVE

Birth: 6 December 1835 Cornwall, England

Death: July 8 1899 Hopewell, Bedford Co, PA

Father: Benedict Edwards

Mother: Elizabeth Harris

Name: Mary E. Cleve

Birth: 12 Jun 1833 Franklin, Missouri, United States

Death: 25 Apr 1909 Saint Johns, Franklin, Missouri, USA

Father: Fielding Sappington

Mother: Anna (Sappington) CAHILL

Name: Fannie M. Cleve

Birth: 03/14/1866 North Carolina

Death: 03/30/1938 Vanceboro, Craven, North Carolina, USA

Father: Edward Cleve

Mother: Lucia Richardson

Name: Henrietta Augusta Cleve

Birth: 22 Jun 1892 Farmington, St Francois, Missouri, USA

Death: 2 Oct 1979 River Grove, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Charles Cleve

Mother: Emma Theresa Miller

Name: Bernald David Cleve

Birth: 29 Mar 1923 New Mexico

Death: 8 Apr 2001 Elk, Chaves County, New Mexico, United States of America

Father: Bernard Louis Cleve

Mother: Tillie Ella Martin Cleve

Name: Oris Fielding Cleve

Birth: 1906 New Mexico

Death: 8 Jan 1971 El Paso, El Paso County, Texas, United States of America

Father: Cleve

Mother: Angeline Hendrix

Name: Laura A Cleve

Birth: 12 Aug 1851 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Death: June 3, 1921 Cleveland, Ohio

Father: James Cleave

Mother: Mary Ireland

Name: Axel Patrik Cleve

Birth: 19 Oct 1889 Klädesholmen, Bohuslän, Sweden

Death: 9 Mar 1952 USA

Father: Olof Eliasson Kleve

Mother: Sofia Olsdotter

Name: Anna Rose Cleve

Birth: Mar 5 1912 Virginia

Death: abt 1974 Florida, USA

Father: William Webster Cleve

Mother: Nevia "Nina" Harrison

Name: Edward Cleve

Birth: 21 February 1921 Cleeves, Saskatchewan, Canada

Death: 22 June 2001 Perris, Riverside, California, USA

Father: Manferd Eddie Cleve

Mother: Bertha Crawford

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