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Results for "dejoie"

Name: Frederick DeJoie

Birth: Abt 1870 Louisiana

Death: 14 Jul 1937 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Father: Jules E DeJoie

Mother: Octavie Segue

Name: Prudhonme Dejoie

Birth: Oct 1879 Louisiana

Death: 1 Oct 1964 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA

Father: Aristide Dejoie

Mother: Ellen Chambers

Name: Byron A. Dejoie

Birth: 14 May 1914 Louisiana

Death: May 1987 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Father: Joseph Jules Déjoie

Mother: Louise M Burel

Name: Eugene V Dejoie

Birth: 21 Oct 1917 Boston, Massachusetts

Death: 20 Aug 1993 West Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Victor E Dejoie

Mother: Mary Agnes Curran

Name: Paul Dejoie

Birth: Jul 1872 Louisiana

Death: 7 Oct 1921 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States

Father: Aristide Dejoie

Mother: Ellen Chambers

Name: Catherine DEJOIE

Birth: 16 Déc 1811 Parnac, Indre, France

Death: 2 Juil Parnac, Indre, France

Father: Léonard Dejoie

Mother: Anne GABILLON

Name: d'Ennery Dejoie

Birth: 1862 Haiti

Death: 6 Nov 1934 Haiti

Father: Joseph Dejoie

Mother: Catherine Oriol

Name: Zellah Dejoie

Birth: abt 1903 Louisiana

Death: 16 Jun 1932 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States

Father: Edmond Dilbo Déjoie

Mother: Augustine Dutrey

Name: Philomena Dejoie

Birth: 25 Oct 1896 Galebria, Italy

Death: 22 Mar 1992 Suffern, Rockland County, New York

Father: Luigi Dejoie

Mother: Maria Salerno

Name: Marie Dejoie

Birth: 25 Févr 1805 Castres

Death: 16 Sept 1875 Castres, Saint-Quentin, Aisne, France

Father: Louis Modeste Dejoie

Mother: Marie Josèphe Potel

Name: Jean-Joseph Dejoie

Birth: 12 Juil 1881 Parnac, Indre, France

Death: 15 Déc Parnac, Indre, France

Father: Jacques-Antoine Dejoie

Mother: Marie Roulet

Name: Catherine Dejoie

Birth: 18 Nov 1852 Mouhet (Indre)

Death: 20 Avril 1926 France

Father: Jean Dejoie

Mother: Anne Jolivet

Name: Marie Dejoie

Birth: 25 Sept 1880 Chazelet, Indre, France

Death: 18 Juil Vigoux, Indre, France

Father: Silvain Dejoie

Mother: Marie Rousseau

Name: Louis Dejoie

Birth: 30 Mars 1880 Bazaiges, Indre, France

Death: 23 Mars Parnac, Indre, France

Father: Silvain Dejoie

Mother: Marguerite Audoucet

Name: Désiré Edouard Dejoie

Birth: 27 Avril 1829 Castres

Death: 11 Nov 1876 Oisy, Vervins, Aisne, France

Father: Nicolas Isidore Dejoie

Mother: Constance Séraphine Flamant

Name: François Dejoie

Birth: 20 Avril 1811 Parnac

Death: A/23/vril Parnac, Indre, France

Father: Silvain Dejoie

Mother: Jeanne Daout

Name: Jean Dejoie

Birth: 10 MAR 1782 Vendeuil,02800,Aisne,Picardie,FRANCE,

Death: 18 MAY 1881 Vendeuil,02800,Aisne,Picardie,FRANCE,

Father: Jean-Baptiste DEJOIE

Mother: Marie PONTHIEUX

Name: Vivian Dejoie

Birth: 16 May 1918 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Death: Not Available New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Father: Constant Charles Dejoie

Mother: Vivian M Baxter

Name: Alberda Dejoie

Birth: abt 1884 Mississippi

Death: 1963

Father: William Thomas Sims

Mother: Clara Atkins

Name: Constant Maygour Dejoie

Birth: abt 1845 St. James Parish, Louisiana

Death: 11 Mar 1911 New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, United States

Father: Private

Mother: Jules Dejoie

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