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Results for "emison"

Name: Henry Franklin Emison

Birth: 12 Sep 1886 Brown, Texas

Death: 14 Jul 1948 Brownwood, Brown, TX, USA

Father: Frank Emison

Mother: Sarah Augusta Oberthier

Name: Viola EMISON

Birth: 28 Jul 1903 Victoria, Texas

Death: 06 JUL 1997 Tivoli, Refugio, Texas, USA

Father: Albert Thomas Emison

Mother: Adeline Mernitz

Name: Clarence Emison

Birth: 17 Sep 1884 Brownwood, Brown, Texas, USA

Death: 22 September 1963 Lovington, Lea County, New Mexico, USA

Father: Frank Emison

Mother: Sarah Augusta Oberthier

Name: William B Emison

Birth: 3 Jan 1871 Pike, Missouri

Death: 7 Dec 1958 Missosuri

Father: James Ash Emison

Mother: Anna Mary Stone

Name: James Edward EMISON

Birth: 07 Mar 1870 Gadsden, Crockett, Tennessee, USA

Death: 21 Apr 1957 Vilonia, Faulkner Co, Arkansas

Father: John Emison

Mother: Mary Ann Bowlton

Name: Ora B Emison

Birth: 14 Jun 1891 , Crockett, Tennessee, USA

Death: 19 Apr 1921 , Haywood, Tennessee, USA

Father: Jesse Hardy Emison

Mother: Lucy Ada Kerby

Name: Dr. Emison

Birth: 13 Apr 1855 Madison County, Tennessee, USA

Death: 29 Mar 1941 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USA

Father: John Emison

Mother: Mary Ann Bowlton

Name: Hester Grant Emison

Birth: 6 Feb 1851 McNairy County, Tennessee, United States

Death: Feb. 22, 1914 Alamo, Tennessee, USA

Father: William Grant

Mother: Jane Prather

Name: Lillie E Emison

Birth: 23 Mar 1895 El Paso, White, Arkansas, United States,

Death: 30 Mar 1965 Manhattan, Kings, New York, United States

Father: Isaac Hall Emison

Mother: Flora Richardson

Name: Theophilus Emison

Birth: 5 Feb 1915 Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee, United States

Death: 11 Dec 2008 United States Obituary Collection and Social Security Death Index, Alamo, Crockett County, Tennessee, United States

Father: Joseph Brantley Emison

Mother: Martha Lucille Johnson

Name: William Frank Emison

Birth: 29 Oct 1862 Gadsden, Crockett, Tennessee, United States

Death: 6 September 1936 North Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, United States of America

Father: John Emison

Mother: Mary Ann Bowlton

Name: Anna Eliza Emison

Birth: 09 Mar 1869 Haywood County, Tennesse USA

Death: 04 Jun 1949 Tremble, Dyer, Tennessee USA

Father: Robert Emison

Mother: Lutisha Bolton

Name: Walter Emison

Birth: 26 May 1895 Brown CO, Texas

Death: 4 Sep 1981 Brownwood, Brown, Texas, USA

Father: Frank Emison

Mother: Florence Pearce Emison

Name: Marvin Emison

Birth: 11 Apr 1919 Tennessee

Death: 23 Apr 2000 Jackson, Madison County, Tennessee, United States

Father: Guilford Marvin Emison

Mother: Hattie J Antwine

Name: John R Emison

Birth: Dec 1897 , , Indiana, USA

Death: 15 Jun 1980 Sun City, Maricopa, Arizona, USA

Father: James Wade Emison Sr.

Mother: Sada Ross Rabb

Name: William Floyd Emison

Birth: 15 Aug 1887 Faulkner County, Arkansas, USA

Death: 19 Dec 1972 Black Oak, Craighead, Arkansas, United States

Father: William Franklin Emison

Mother: Larah Ann Wright

Name: Joseph Emison

Birth: 17 Jan 1835 Madison, Tennessee, USA

Death: 28 April 1890 Rogers, Benton County, Arkansas, United States of America

Father: John S Emerson

Mother: Margaret "Peggy" BOALS

Name: Sidney Emison

Birth: 1925 California, USA

Death: 1995 Florida

Father: Sidney Emison

Mother: Chester May Weldon

Name: Tempa Ada Emison

Birth: 24 May 1865 Bells, Crockett County, TN, USA

Death: 24 Jan 1931 Crockett, Tennessee

Father: William Emison

Mother: Sarah Isabella Richards

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