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Results for "ficarra"

Name: Louis J. FICARRA

Birth: 28 Oct 1917 Passaic Co, NJ

Death: 26 Sep 2009 Garfield, NJ

Father: Mariano Ficarra

Mother: Theresa Ficarra (Figaro)

Name: Frances Ficarra

Birth: 9 Jan 1923 New London, Connecticut

Death: 11 Feb 2002 New London, New London, Connecticut, USA

Father: Salvatore Ficarra

Mother: Ruth S Shelley

Name: Matthew M. FICARRA

Birth: 13 Jul 1919 Lodi, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Death: 24 Jul 1987 Wallington, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Father: Mariano Ficarra

Mother: Theresa Ficarra (Figaro)

Name: Angelina Ficarra

Birth: abt 1911 New York

Death: 20 Oct 1993 Flushing, Queens, New York, USA

Father: Rosario Ficarra

Mother: Angelina Sannello

Name: Salvatore Ficarra

Birth: 11/23/1894 Trapani, Sicilia, Italy

Death: March 5, 1958 West Haven, Connecticut

Father: Francesco Ficarra

Mother: Francesca Oreste

Name: Guiseppi Ficarra

Birth: 21 Jan 1924 New York City, New York, USA

Death: 14 Jul 2012 Florida, USA

Father: Giovanni Ficarra

Mother: Adeline Ficarra

Name: Giuseppe Ficarra

Birth: 24 Nov 1895 Nicosia, Sicily, Italy

Death: 2 Jun 1992 New Jersey

Father: Giuseppe Ficarra

Mother: Luigia Louise LoCASCIO

Name: Joseph J. Ficarra

Birth: 03/05/1931 Astoria Quee, New York

Death: 01/18/2000 Spring Hill FL

Father: John Joseph Ficarra

Mother: Marie Grace andriole

Name: May Ficarra

Birth: 7 April 1900 New York County, New York, USA

Death: 2001 Bronx, Bronx, New York, USA

Father: Philip P Ficarra

Mother: Ida Putnam Lynch McEntee

Name: Teresa Ficarra

Birth: 1889 Calabria, Italy

Death: 1968 Victoria

Father: Carmelo Taverna

Mother: Angela Rosa Romeo

Name: Anthony Ficarra

Birth: 7 Jul 1927 Passaic, Passaic, New Jersey, USA

Death: Abt 1986

Father: Carmello Ficarra

Mother: Mary Badami

Name: Josephine Mary Ficarra

Birth: 5 Jan 1925 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts

Death: 28 Oct 2013 Stoneham, Middlesex, Massachusetts

Father: Giuseppe (Joseph) Ficarra

Mother: Domenica Capilli

Name: Joseph Ficarra

Birth: abt 1894 Italy

Death: 1959 Hempstead, Nassau, New York

Father: Antonino Ficarra

Mother: Maria Rosina Dilosa

Name: Sam Ficarra

Birth: 09 Jun 1908 Italy

Death: 1997

Father: Nickoli Ficarra

Mother: Virginia Caminita

Name: Giovanni Ficarra

Birth: 28 Jun 1887 Italy

Death: Nov 1973 Akron, Summit, Ohio, United States of America,

Father: Nicola Ficarra

Mother: Sara Giutteri

Name: Concetta "Connie" FICARRA

Birth: about 1876 Nicosia, Sicily, Italy

Death: Abt 1937

Father: Giuseppe Ficarra

Mother: Luigia Louise LoCASCIO

Name: Antonio Ficarra

Birth: 1870 Italy

Death: 8 Jul 1923 Massachusetts, United States of America

Father: Mario Ficarra

Mother: Flavia Ficarra

Name: Pauline M Ficarra

Birth: 22 Dec 1920 Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

Death: 16 Jul 2006 Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

Father: George Raymond Brownell

Mother: Marie Agnes King

Name: Jack Joseph Ficarra

Birth: 13 Jan 1923 Hempstead, New York, USA

Death: 12 Sep 2007 Merrick, New York, USA

Father: JOSEPH Ficarra

Mother: Santa Larosa

Name: Vincent J Ficarra

Birth: abt 1903 New York

Death: July 16, 1995 Brooklyn, Kings County, NY ?

Father: Vincenzo Ficarra

Mother: Josephine Ficarra

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