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Results for "fuson"

Name: Wendall FUSON

Birth: 05 Mar 1901 Hendricks Co, Indiana, USA

Death: 20 Sep 1973 Danville, Hendricks Co., Indiana

Father: Elmer Lee Fuson

Mother: Flora Alice Garrison

Name: Mack Fuson

Birth: 3 Jun 1894 Greasy Creek, Bell Co., KY

Death: 18 Nov 1988 London, Laurel, Kentucky, United States

Father: Joseph Gillis Fuson

Mother: Allie (Alice) Leger (Legier)

Name: Nicholas Fuson

Birth: Jan 1897 Kansas

Death: 08 Mar 1987 Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, USA

Father: William Benjamin Fuson

Mother: Eva Mary Gessler

Name: Oliver Isiah Fuson

Birth: 19 Dec 1859 Randolph, Indiana, United States

Death: 30 Aug 1894 Ord, Valley, NE, USA

Father: Thomas Jefferson Fuson

Mother: Sarah Rosamond Brooks

Name: Elizabeth Fuson

Birth: 13 Feb 1837 De Kalb, Tennessee, United States

Death: 25 August 1917 Smithville, DeKalb County, Tennessee, USA

Father: Jonathan Fuson, Fuston

Mother: Elizabeth Caroline Parker

Name: Clifford Lee FUSON

Birth: 30 May 1896* Bondurant, Polk, IA, USA*

Death: Apr 1964 Pinellas, Florida, United States

Father: Joseph Charles FUSON

Mother: Minnie Myrtle COLLINS

Name: Della Fuson

Birth: 6 Aug 1885 Iowa

Death: 24 Dec 1943 Kansas City - Jackson, MO

Father: John Erwin Fuson

Mother: Martha Belle Reid

Name: Luther Fuson

Birth: abt 1909 Milam, Texas, USA

Death: Jan 10, 1996 Cameron, Milam, Texas, USA

Father: Charles Hardin Fuson

Mother: Pirzette Milum

Name: Martha Jane Fuson

Birth: 8/16/1917 Pleasant, Guernsey, Ohio, USA

Death: 2 Mar 1991 Urbana, Champaign, Ohio, USA

Father: James R Fuson or Fenson

Mother: Mary Catharine Taylor

Name: Artymensa Fuson

Birth: 24 January 1824 Ohio

Death: 20 Feb 1882 , Washington, Kansas, USA

Father: Joel Fuson

Mother: Bethania Brammer (Bramble)

Name: William Fuson

Birth: 27 Feb 1860 Dry Creek, DeKalb, TN, USA*

Death: 19 Sep 1936 Liberty TN.

Father: John Adams Fuson

Mother: Martha Leroy Allen

Name: Frances G Fuson

Birth: 21 Jun 1906 Charleston, Coles, Illinois, USA

Death: 20 Apr 1989* Missoula, Missoula, MT, USA*

Father: George Albert Fuson

Mother: Martha June Jackson

Name: Howard G Fuson

Birth: 15 May 1911 Washington

Death: 15 Apr 1962 Sacramento, Sacramento, California, USA

Father: Floyd H Fuson

Mother: Norma Belle Hinman

Name: Allen FUSON

Birth: abt 1913 Kentucky

Death: Jul 1968 Barbourville, Knox, Kentucky, United States

Father: Milfred Fuson

Mother: freddie

Name: John Henry Fuson

Birth: 5 Feb 1873 Crawford, Illinois, USA

Death: 7 Aug 1932 Terre Haute, Vigo, Indiana

Father: Henry Clay Fuson

Mother: Zillah Mariah Atwater

Name: Francis Leroy Fuson

Birth: 12 Jan 1910 Washington

Death: 12 FEB 1992 Clark County, Las Vegas, Nevada

Father: Hugh LeRoy Fuson

Mother: Clara Fuson (Cook)

Name: William Jefferson Fuson

Birth: 17 Apr 1848 Knox County, Kentucky, USA

Death: 22 Sep 1921 Fairview Cemetery, Apache, Caddo County, Oklahoma

Father: James C Fuson

Mother: Amanda Redd Dean

Name: Jefferson Lafayette Fuson

Birth: 09 Mar 1880 Bell County, Kentucky, USA

Death: 08 Nov 1934 Middlesborough, Bell County, Kentucky, USA

Father: William Fuson

Mother: Charity Ann Smith

Name: Ivan Raymond Fuson

Birth: 22 Oct 1888* Rosalia, Butler, KS, USA*

Death: 30 Jul 1977* New Bern, Craven, NC, USA*

Father: Frank Fuson

Mother: Violet Alice Davis

Name: Letitia May Fuson

Birth: 22 Feb 1852 Kentucky

Death: 29 Mar 1924 Little Clear Creek, Bell, Kentucky

Father: James Robinson Fuson

Mother: Lucinda Evans

Name: Osa F FUSON

Birth: 25 Jan 1900 Hartville, Wright, Missouri, USA

Death: 13 Dec 1993 Springfield, Greene Co, Missouri, USA

Father: William Elmer Fuson

Mother: Nancy Louisa Kindrick

Name: William Fuson

Birth: 6 Jul 1844 Greasy Creek, Bell, Kentucky, United States

Death: 1 Oct 1895 Siler, Whitley, Kentucky, United States

Father: Thomas Henry Fuson

Mother: Sophia Peace

Name: Alyda Ethel Fuson

Birth: 1885 Washington

Death: 17 Jan 1937' Clinton, Island, Washington, USA

Father: William Samuel Fuson

Mother: Mary Etta Delaney

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