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Results for "hellewell"

Name: Clyde Hellewell

Birth: 21 Feb 1887 Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States

Death: Feb 21 1967 Placer County, CA

Father: Joseph Henry Hellewell

Mother: Martha Jane Horspool

Name: Walter Hellewell

Birth: 1873 Darfield Barnsley, Yorkshire

Death: January 1914 Wortley, Yorkshire West Riding

Father: George Hellewell

Mother: Selina Turner

Name: John Hellewell

Birth: ABT 1796 Erringden, West Yorkshire

Death: 1851 Blackshaw Clough, Soyland

Father: Thomas Hellewell

Mother: Sarah Unsworth

Name: George Edward Hellewell

Birth: abt 1879 Utah

Death: 2 Nov 1945 Weber

Father: George Edward Hellewell

Mother: Mary Ann Burrup

Name: Ellis Hellewell

Birth: Sep 1858 Bradfield, Yorkshire, England

Death: Abt. 1934 Hemsworth, Yorkshire, England

Father: William Helliwell

Mother: Harriet Hattersley

Name: John Hellewell

Birth: 8 Jan 1887 Decatur Township, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Sep 1965 Du Bois, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: John Hellewell

Mother: Sarah Stott

Name: James Burrup Hellewell

Birth: 27 Oct 1916 Heyburn, Minidoka, Idaho, USA

Death: 08 Oct 2001 Orem, Utah, Utah, USA

Father: James Burrup Hellewell

Mother: Elizabeth Liechty

Name: Mary Ann Hellewell

Birth: 14 June 1856 England

Death: 14 Oct 1939 Paul, Minidoka, Idaho

Father: James Burrup

Mother: Mary Ann Bennett (Kay)

Name: Mary Jane Hellewell

Birth: 01 OCT 1865 Cross Hammond St. N. Sheffield, England

Death: 29 JUL 1924 Brooklyn, Kings, NY, USA

Father: Charles Hellewell

Mother: Ann Allott

Name: Emma Hellewell

Birth: ABT 1826 Dodworth, Yorkshire, England

Death: 13 FEB 1907 Dodworth, Yorkshire, England

Father: thomas Hellewell

Mother: Elizabeth Chappell

Name: Genevieve Hellewell

Birth: 9 Jan 1924 Rupert, Minidoka, Idaho, USA

Death: 5 February 2006 Moses Lake, Grant, Washington, United States

Father: Charles William Surrage

Mother: Charlotte Sheppard

Name: Edward Hellewell

Birth: 1850 Hemmingfield

Death: July 1908 Barnsley, Yorkshire West Riding

Father: Edward Hellewell

Mother: Harriet Stenton

Name: Leonard Hellewell

Birth: Jan 1873 Yorkshire - West Riding, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Death: 28 May 1943 Northampton Massachusetts USA

Father: Eli Helliwell

Mother: Alice Honley

Name: Louise Hellewell

Birth: 15 Jun 1915 Idaho

Death: 26 Jul 1993 Burley,,ID,USA

Father: James Burrup Hellewell

Mother: Elizabeth Liechty

Name: Nancy Hellewell

Birth: abt 1802 Wadsworth, Yorkshire, England

Death: July 1878 Todmorden, Yorkshire West Riding

Father: Moses Greenwood

Mother: Margaret Patterson

Name: Forrest Lee Hellewell

Birth: 10 Jul 1929 Idaho

Death: 15 September 1996 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States of America

Father: Robert Hellewell



Birth: 05 Nov 1797 Bolsterstone, Yorkshire, England

Death: 05 Aug 1848 Langsett, Yorkshire, England

Father: Abraham HELLAWELL

Mother: Hannah LOCKWOOD

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