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Results for "hoo"

Name: Alan Hoo

Birth: 9 July 1951 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA

Death: 23 Mar 1984 Sacramento, Sacramento County, California, United States of America

Father: Allan Hoo

Mother: Anna Noriko Mochizuki

Name: Frank Hoo

Birth: 27 Dec 1923 San Francisco, San Francisco, California

Death: 6 Mar 2001 San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, United States of America

Father: Shuck Kee Hoo

Mother: Shee Wong

Name: Sir Thomas Hoo

Birth: Abt. 1549 Luton, Luton Borough, Bedfordshire, England

Death: Aft. 1569 Luton Hoo, Bedfordshire, England

Father: Sir Hoo.

Mother: Eleanor De Felton

Name: Eugene Hoo

Birth: 26 Oct 1927 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA

Death: 18 Jul 1992 Costa Mesa, Orange, California, United States of America

Father: Shoo Ken Hoo

Mother: Florence Lee

Name: Walter David Hoo

Birth: 21 May 1925 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA

Death: 15 Feb 1996 Vinita, Craig, Oklahoma, USA

Father: Shoo Ken Hoo

Mother: Florence Lee

Name: Pascal Hoo

Birth: 30 Nov 1881 France

Death: 04 June 1952 France

Father: Jean Hoo

Mother: Julie Forpouy

Name: Margaret Hoo

Birth: 1526 St. Paul's Walden, Hertfordshire, England

Death: Oct 1625 Bath, Somerset, England

Father: John Heyworth

Mother: Elizabeth Newman

Name: Robert Kim Hoo

Birth: abt 1908 Hawaii, USA

Death: 5 Jul 1999 Hawaii, USA

Father: Tock HO

Mother: Nancy Hoapili KAHOOKANO or ELDREGE

Name: Alan Hoo

Birth: 4 Jun 1930 Los Angeles, California

Death: Not Available California

Father: Shoo Ken Hoo

Mother: Florence Lee

Name: jane Joan hoo

Birth: 1558 Southwick, Northumberland, England

Death: 1620 Horningsheath, Suffok, England

Father: Gaulteir (Walter) at HOO

Mother: Agnes Anne/Ann dela Lockwood-Athoo/Hoo-Hook

Name: John Hoo

Birth: 1520 Skarning, Norfolk, England

Death: 1595 Walsingham, Norfolk, England

Father: Richard Hoo

Mother: Agnes Barry

Name: Eugene King Hoo

Birth: 23 May 1918 North Dakota

Death: 7 May 1984 Excelsior, Hennepin, Minnesota, United States of America

Father: King Hoo

Mother: Leah Ruth Chew

Name: Jeanne Hoo

Birth: 9 JUN 1802 Louvie-Juzon,,Pyrénées-Atlantiques,Aquitaine,FRANCE,

Death: 16 Jun 1856 Louvie-Juzon, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Aquitaine, France

Father: Jean-Pierre Hoo

Mother: Françoise LARUNCET

Name: John Valentine Hoo

Birth: 1958 Kingston, Jamica

Death: 28 Jun 2012 D'iberville, Mississippi, USA

Father: Arthur Hoo

Mother: Eliza Hoo

Name: Joane Hoo

Birth: 1568 Southwick, Northumberland, England

Death: 10 Aug 1620 Southwark, London, London, England

Father: Gaulteir (Walter) at HOO

Mother: Agnes Anne/Ann dela Lockwood-Athoo/Hoo-Hook

Name: Gim Fong Hoo

Birth: 10 Jan 1922 Peoples Republic of China

Death: 13 Mar 1997 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USA

Father: Shing N Hoo

Mother: Yee Shee

Name: Elizabeth Hoo

Birth: 1558 Yorkshire, England

Death: 1637 Yorkshire, England

Father: Gaulteir (Walter) at HOO

Mother: Agnes Anne/Ann dela Lockwood-Athoo/Hoo-Hook

Name: Lucie Hoo

Birth: 19 SEP 1910 Abos,64360,Pyrénées-Atlantiques,Aquitaine,FRANCE,

Death: 1997

Father: Pascal Hoo

Mother: Zelie Montanet

Name: Shuck Kee Hoo

Birth: 12 Nov 1885 Hoy Ping-dist, China

Death: 23 Oct 1932 San Francisco, San Francisco, California

Father: Chang Hoo

Mother: Private

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