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Results for "johansson"

Name: Joseph William Johansson

Birth: 04 Nov 1888 West Weber, Weber, Utah, United States

Death: 18 June 1977 Layton, Davis, Utah, USA

Father: John Johnson

Mother: Sophia Hedberg

Name: Johan Wilhelm Johansson

Birth: 28 February 1896 Umeå stadsförsamling (AC)

Death: February 1955 Chicago, Ill

Father: Carl Johnsson

Mother: Erika Wilhelmena Nojd

Name: Jennie Augusta Johansson

Birth: 29 Dec 1886 Nederkalix, Norrbotten, Sweden

Death: Jan 1983 Slayton, Murray, Minnesota, USA

Father: Erick A Johnson

Mother: Mary Engberg

Name: Frans Johan Johansson

Birth: 9 January 1863 Norrakamp Ingamala Village, Sodra Sandsjo Parish, Sweden

Death: 1960 Franconia Cemetery

Father: Johan Gustaf Johnson

Mother: Ingrid Lena Magnusdotter

Name: August* Johansson

Birth: 08 May 1862 Sweden

Death: 12 Mar 1947 Chicago

Father: Johan Andersson

Mother: Catherine Andersdotter

Name: Johannes Enoch Johansson

Birth: 10 JAN 1891 G, Torpa, Rosenberg

Death: 1 NOV 1970 N, Halmstad

Father: Johan Anton Johannesson

Mother: Julia Matilda Carlsdotter

Name: Jenny Maria Johansson

Birth: 12 Jul 1881 Småland, Jämtland, Sweden

Death: 31 Aug 1941 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Adolf Johansson

Mother: Karin Svensdotter

Name: Amanda Johansson

Birth: abt 1878 Sweden

Death: 25 Dec 1940 Galva, Henry, Illinois, United States

Father: Johan Jonasson

Mother: Ingrid Christina Fahna Svensdotter

Name: Olga Sofia Johansson

Birth: 26 Dec 1890 Kyrkolycke, Örkelljunga, Kristianstads län (L), Sverige

Death: 21 Oct 1962 Illinois, USA

Father: Janne Johansson

Mother: Matilda Eliasson

Name: Karl Johan Johansson

Birth: 01 Jan 1855 Mörlunda, Sverige

Death: 13 Sep 1914 Jamestown Ward 06, Chautauqua, New York, United States

Father: Johan Larsson

Mother: Anna Andersdotter

Name: Anna Maria Johansson

Birth: 10 FEB 1889 Slammarp, Förslöv (L)

Death: 20 Sep 1985 Belvidere, Boone, Illinois, USA

Father: Johannes Olsson

Mother: Beata Persdotter

Name: Karl Johan Johansson

Birth: 23 Apr 1873 Sweden

Death: 1 Nov 1956 Wright, Carlton County, Minnesota, USA

Father: Johan Jonsson

Mother: Anna Karolina Holmgren

Name: Johan Valfrid Johansson

Birth: 11 Dec 1910 Sweden

Death: 13 Mar 2005 Geneseo

Father: Johan Andersson

Mother: Augusta Charlotta Christoffersdotter

Name: Artur Emanuel Johansson

Birth: 1887 Klövedal, Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige

Death: 5 Aug 1964 Bronx, New York City, New York, USA

Father: Johannes Andersson

Mother: Anna Lovisa Eliasdotter

Name: Oskar Bertil Johansson

Birth: 14 May 1890 Hakarp, Jönköping, Sweden

Death: 31 Jan 1989 Elkhart, Indiana

Father: John Victor Johnson

Mother: Mathilda Ek

Name: johannes gustaf johansson

Birth: 15 JUN 1858 Sweden

Death: 15 OCT 1935 St Paul, MN, USA

Father: Johan Gustaf Karlsson

Mother: Ingrid Kajsa Olofsdotter

Name: Johan Johansson

Birth: 24 APR 1870 Fossumtorp, Tanum

Death: 18 Jan 1959 Hibbing, St Louis, Minnesota, USA

Father: Johan Pettersson

Mother: Amalia Johansdotter

Name: Anna Wilhelmina Johansson

Birth: 24 May 1891 Medelplana, Skaraborg, Sweden

Death: 16 Aug 1971 Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California, United States

Father: Gustav Aron Johansson

Mother: Hanna Augusta Gustafsdotter

Name: Alma Augustsdotter Johansson

Birth: 24 Jan 1879 Alsters, Vermland, Sweden

Death: 20 Apr 1969 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, United States of America

Father: August Johansson

Mother: Stina Lisa Andersdotter

Name: Emma Christine Johansson

Birth: 4 Jun 1869 Gådeberg, Hjälmseryd, Jönköping, Sweden

Death: 16 Feb 1946 Elkhart, Elkhart, Indiana, USA

Father: Karl August Johnson

Mother: Johanna Andersdotter

Name: Burnetta Signe Johansson

Birth: August 26, 1903 Stockholm, Sweden

Death: 1993 Minneapolis city, Hennepin, Minnesota

Father: Carl Bernhard Johanson

Mother: Edith Albertina Lundberg

Name: Karl Johansson

Birth: 18/12/1937 Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Death: 02/27/2017 Epsom, Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA

Father: Bertil Gunnar Johansson Carlson

Mother: Bernice Ellen Hocking

Name: Artur Natanael Johansson

Birth: 24 Dec 1905 Döderhult, Kalmar, Sverige

Death: Mar 1958 Idaho, USA

Father: Hjalmar Ossian Johansson

Mother: Emma Sofia Nilsson

Name: Carl Henry Johansson

Birth: 1904/08/22 Norrasandsjö, sverige

Death: May 1976 Richmond, Wayne, Indiana, USA

Father: Karl Emil Johansson

Mother: Frida Emilia Lans

Name: Arvid Theodore Johansson

Birth: 28 Nov 1887 Jönköping, Jönköping, Sweden

Death: 14 Oct 1934 Hines, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Frans Teodor Johansson

Mother: Hedda Augusta Svensdotter

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