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Results for "johnsen"

Name: Louis Hershal Johnsen

Birth: 26 Oct 1895 Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska, USA

Death: 22 Dec 1984 Gretna, Sarpy, Nebraska

Father: Louis Johnsen

Mother: Emma Pedersen

Name: Neva H Johnsen

Birth: abt 1912 Wingville, Grant, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 18 Dec 1963 Wisconsin

Father: John Johnsen

Mother: Anna Cordts

Name: Jackson Johnsen

Birth: 4 DEC 1911 Walker Co, AL

Death: 23 Feb 1982 Alabama

Father: Frank Johnsey

Mother: Isabel Jane Johnson

Name: Mary Ester Johnsen

Birth: 4 Aug 1921 Portland, Ore

Death: abt 2010 Longview WA

Father: Hans Jorgen Johnson

Mother: Annie Charlotte Mayhead

Name: Hans George Johnsen

Birth: 17 October 1879 Deweyville, Box Elder, Utah, United States

Death: 14 December 1918 East Garland, Box Elder, Utah, United States

Father: Jorgen Johansen*

Mother: Jorgine Margrethe Sorensen*

Name: Julius B Johnsen

Birth: 9 Aug 1915 Blackshear, Pierce, Georgia, USA

Death: 28 Aug 1988 Harris County, Texas, USA

Father: Harry(Hans) Johnsen(Johannsen)

Mother: Mary Ellen Ennis

Name: Harry Johnsen

Birth: 5 Sep 1894 Irene, Turner County, SD

Death: 27 April 1977 Sioux Falls, Minnehaha, South Dakota, United States of America

Father: Marcus Johnson

Mother: Johanna Sorensen

Name: Erastus Johnsen

Birth: 18 April 1883 Richmond, Cache, Utah, United States

Death: 10 January 1963 Logan, Cache, Utah, United States

Father: Niels Johansen)

Mother: Johanne Margrethe Rasmussen


Birth: 05 Apr 1888 IL

Death: 06 Dec 1974 Ada, Norman, Minnesota

Father: Johann Janhsen (Johnsen)

Mother: Louise Ihssen

Name: Merrill David Johnsen

Birth: 2 Nov 1914 St. Louis, Minnesota, USA

Death: 8 Jul 1985 Zumbrota, Goodhue, Minnesota, USA

Father: Joseph Edward Johnson

Mother: Alvilda Palma Anderson Jerstad

Name: Arnold Milton JOHNSEN

Birth: 3/19/1902 Minnesota

Death: 22 July 1972 Mower, MN, USA

Father: William Johnsen

Mother: Lillian Mabel Jacobsen Johnsen

Name: Caroline Celia Johnsen

Birth: 25 May 1883 Clear Lake, Iowa, USA

Death: 19 Aug 1956 Faribault, Minnesota

Father: Ben W Johnson

Mother: Olena Olson

Name: Ruth Ann Johnsen

Birth: August 28, 1912 Minnesota, USA

Death: 16 Aug 1991 Riverside, CA, USA

Father: Hans Olaf Johnsen

Mother: Olga Mathilde Olsen

Name: John A Johnsen

Birth: 15 Jul 1895 Bornholm, Denmark

Death: 17 May 1955 San Francisco

Father: Per Johansen

Mother: Karna Åkesson

Name: Bell Johnsen

Birth: Dec 1869 Iowa

Death: 1959 Boone, Boone, Illinois, USA

Father: Hans Johansen/Johnson

Mother: Sigrid/Sarah Thompson

Name: Herbert Leslie Johnsen

Birth: 8 June 1929 Catawba, Price, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 9 Sep 2004 Wauconda, Okanogan, Washington, United States of America

Father: Hans Harold Johnsen

Mother: Ida Rosella Osterloh

Name: Navis Eleanor Johnsen

Birth: 28 Sep 1914 North Dakota

Death: 20 NOV 2005 San Diego, CA

Father: Russell Edmund Johnson

Mother: Tilda Nottestad

Name: Minnie Josephine Johnsen

Birth: 28 Apr 1880 Albert Lea, Freeborn County, Minnesota, USA

Death: 20 JAN 1957 Spokane, Spokane, Washington, United States

Father: Toris Nels Johnsen

Mother: Anna Gurina HANSEN

Name: Austa Emaline Johnsen

Birth: 15 Jan 1906 Idaho

Death: 31 Jul 1995 Boise, Ada, Idaho, United States of America

Father: James Samuel JOHNSON

Mother: Elizabeth Grimes

Name: Oliver johnsen

Birth: 21 Oct 1876 Iowa

Death: 30 Mar 1946 Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa, USA

Father: Hans Christian johnsen

Mother: Christiana Johnsen (Hansen)

Name: Margueitte Johnsen

Birth: 1 Sept 1886 Watopa Township, Wabasha, Minnesota

Death: 1956 Winona, Winona Co., MN

Father: Jonas Johnson

Mother: Mary Jacoby

Name: Melvin George Johnsen

Birth: 15 February 1909 Minnesota

Death: 10 December 1967 Hennepin, Minnesota

Father: Edward Johnsen Rostadtro

Mother: Ellen Bakken

Name: Bess M Johnsen

Birth: 4/9/1902 Hazel Dell, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA

Death: 24 Jun 1995 Logan, Harrison, Iowa, USA

Father: Hans Christian Jenson

Mother: Olive Grace Scott

Name: Elfreda Johnsen

Birth: 17 May 1885 Pottawattamie, Iowa

Death: 24 Jan 1972 Alameda, California

Father: Henry Emil Henderson

Mother: Michaeline Rasmusdatter Iversen

Name: Emma Catherine Johnsen

Birth: 1920 Friend, Saline, Nebraska, USA

Death: 2013 Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, USA

Father: Albert Laurence Johnsen

Mother: Katherine Magdalena Franzen

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