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Results for "karch"

Name: Matilda L Karch

Birth: 3 Mar 1909 Stockton, Portage, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 13 Dec 2002 Amherst Junction, Portage, Wisconsin, United States of America

Father: Michael B Karch

Mother: Frances Wysocki


Birth: 21 Mar 1861 Hopewell Twp, Mercer, Ohio, USA

Death: March 8 1939 Mercer County, Ohio, USA

Father: John Karch

Mother: Mary Myers

Name: Katherine Mae Karch

Birth: 28 Mar 1891 South Russia

Death: JUL 1963 Loveland, Larimer, Colorado, United States

Father: Karl Jacob Karch

Mother: Emilia Karch (Rausch)(Nieburger)

Name: Leona May Karch

Birth: Nov 1896 , Camden, Missouri, USA

Death: 1945 Cherokee, Oklahoma, USA

Father: William H Karch

Mother: Rilla Cantrell Karch

Name: Michael J Karch

Birth: 19 Mar 1814 Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 9 Mar 1898 West Bend, Palo Alto, Iowa, USA

Father: Sgt George Karch

Mother: Anna Maria Boyer

Name: Henry J. Karch

Birth: 1 Aug 1885 Carmi, Illinois, USA

Death: 15 Oct 1955 Carmi, Illinois

Father: Frederick J. Karch

Mother: Anna Soller

Name: Heinrich Johann Karch

Birth: 25 June 1885 Fort William Henry Harrison, Lewis and Clark County, Montana

Death: Apr 1969 Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, United States

Father: Franz Karch

Mother: Wilhelmina Engel

Name: Charles Harold Karch

Birth: July 1, 1900 Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Death: January 27, 1973 London, Ontario, Canada

Father: Charles Frederich Karch

Mother: Sarah Ethel Mann

Name: Cleo Karch

Birth: 1904 Cold Water, Ohio, USA

Death: Jun 1974 Miami, Miami-dade, Florida, USA

Father: Frederick Karch

Mother: Mary E. Omlor

Name: Mary L Karch

Birth: 22 Nov 1874 Germany

Death: 14 Sept 1954 Celina, Mercer County, Ohio, United States of America

Father: Hans Rasawehr

Mother: Catharina Runge

Name: Mary Edna Karch

Birth: 03 Jul 1858 Ia, Sandy Springs, Delaware

Death: 5 June 1953 Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA

Father: Michael Karch

Mother: Hrest Jane Wilson

Name: Albert Karch

Birth: abt 1910 Ohio

Death: 1 Feb 1989 Celina, Jefferson Twp., Mercer Co., OH

Father: Frank Edward Karch

Mother: Mary Louise Rasawehr

Name: Paul Walter Karch

Birth: 20 Feb 1920 Glen Ullin, Morton, North Dakota, USA

Death: 30 Sep 1983 Mandan, Morton, North Dakota, USA

Father: Edward Karch

Mother: Bertha Regina Roth

Name: Lillian M Karch

Birth: 9 Mar 1915 Quincy, Adams, Illinois, USA

Death: 28 Mar 1981 Mondovi, Buffalo, Wisconsin, USA

Father: John Karch

Mother: Elizabeth Schmitt

Name: Edward Karch

Birth: 2 Aug 1912 Stockton, Portage, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 2 Sep 2000 Whiting, Portage, Wisconsin, USA

Father: Michael B Karch

Mother: Frances Wysocki

Name: Katherine (Dexter) Karch

Birth: 1/25/1852 Baden, Germany

Death: 8//1//1915 Allentown, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Michael Karch

Mother: Mary Gier

Name: Frank William Karch

Birth: 29 Nov 1887 Celina, Mercer, Ohio, USA

Death: 21 Sep 1936 Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, USA

Father: Joseph K Karch

Mother: Elizabeth M Koebus | Kohbus | Kobes | Cobus

Name: Alice Karch

Birth: 6 August 1857 Hopkenton, IA

Death: 18 Apr 1898 Onawa, Monona, Iowa, USA

Father: Michael Karch

Mother: Hrest Jane Wilson

Name: Magdalena Karch

Birth: 15 Jan 1889 Neu Danzig, Beresan, South Russia

Death: 17 jul 1961 Venturia, McIntosh, North Dakota, United States of America

Father: Karl Jacob Karch

Mother: Magdalena Karch (Elser)

Name: Ruth Mardell Karch

Birth: 3 May 1916 Phillipsburg, Montgomery, OH

Death: 12 Sep 1998 Hamilton, Ohio, USA

Father: John Henry Karch

Mother: Martha May Wolf

Name: George Karch

Birth: 1891 New York, USA

Death: 16 Jan 1941 Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama

Father: Martin Karch

Mother: Katherine Bieler

Name: Barbara Karch

Birth: Nov 1872 Germany

Death: 4 DEC 1942 Piqua, Miami, OH

Father: Mathias Karch

Mother: Caroline Frickel

Name: Cecil V Karch

Birth: 10 Mar 1911 Tuscarawas, Coshocton, Ohio, USA

Death: 3 Apr 1996 Troy, Oakland, Michigan, United States

Father: Walter Karch

Mother: Martha May Hummel

Name: George Adam Karch

Birth: 20 Feb 1888 Northampton, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Jan 1973 Nazareth, Northampton, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: William F Karch

Mother: Rosanna Elizabeth Heil

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