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Results for "keesey"

Name: Mary KEESEY

Birth: Sep 1882 Pine Grove Twp., Schuylkill Co., Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 17 Nov 1918 Porter Township, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Samuel Snyder Keesey

Mother: Frances L. Greely

Name: Dennis C Keesey

Birth: abt 1902 Pennsylvania

Death: 18 DEC 1977 York, York, Pennsylvania

Father: Stanley Rodger Keesey

Mother: Rose Alice Founds Keesey

Name: Gertrude Keesey

Birth: 16 May 1880 Illinois

Death: 23 January 1948 Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois, United States of America

Father: Christopher Keesey

Mother: Nancy Williams

Name: Grace Lucille KEESEY

Birth: 20 Jul 1905 New Salem CO, Kansas

Death: 22 Sep 1994 Winfield, Cowley, Kansas, United States

Father: Thomas A Keesey

Mother: Mary Ellen Higginbottom

Name: Frances Keesey

Birth: 16 Nov 1857 Pennsylvania

Death: 13 April 1932 Suedberg, Schuylkill County, Pennslyvania

Father: John Greely

Mother: Lydia

Name: Margaret Keesey

Birth: 17 May 1817 Frederick CO., Maryland

Death: 20 Apr 1893 Van Wert County, OH

Father: Christian Peggy Keesey

Mother: Barbara Ann Green

Name: Conrad Keesey

Birth: 1789 Maryland, United States

Death: 1874 Harrison, Ohio, United States

Father: Henry Geesy

Mother: Elizabetha Fuchs

Name: Blaine Leander Keesey

Birth: 18 Oct 1910 Wrightsville, York, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 9 Mar 1989 Corning, Steuben County, New York

Father: Carl Keesey

Mother: Verbima* Campbell

Name: Roland Hunt Keesey

Birth: 16 JUN 1937 Washington DC (Pennsylvania?)

Death: 24 Jul 1993 Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia, USA

Father: Charles Richard Keesey

Mother: Dorothy Lorraine Keesey

Name: Aaron Henry Keesey

Birth: abt 1874 Pennsylvania

Death: 29 Nov 1953 Downingtown, Chester, Pennsylvania, United States,

Father: Conrad Keesey

Mother: G Liedy

Name: Myrtle Odessa Keesey

Birth: Jan 1884 Indiana

Death: 23 APR 1948 Peru, Miami, Indiana, USA

Father: Gideon Ward Keesey

Mother: Margaret Morts

Name: Lucinda Glattfelter Keesey

Birth: 22 May 1837 York Township, York County, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 27 October 1894 Jacobus, York, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Henry Keesey

Mother: Clara Elizabeth Glatfelder

Name: Ruth Keesey

Birth: 5 Jan 1899 Pennsylvania

Death: 20 NOV 1999 Carlisle, Cumberland, Pennsylvania

Father: Jacob Keesey

Mother: Effie Anna(Annie)Martha Hyson

Name: Charles Victor KEESEY

Birth: 14 July 1872 Kosciusko County, Indiana, USA

Death: 10 AUG 1947 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA

Father: Gideon Ward Keesey

Mother: Margaret Morts

Name: Edward L. Keesey

Birth: 1896 Tuscarawas County, Ohio, USA

Death: 9 Mar 1980 Uhrichsville, Tuscarawas, Ohio, USA

Father: Henry C. Keesey

Mother: Sarah Louise McCurdy

Name: Jacob Keesey

Birth: 17 Mar 1808 York, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 12 Dec 1891 York, Pennsylvania, United States

Father: Conrad Keesey Giese Giesey Geesey

Mother: Elizabeth McDonald

Name: Mary Ann Keesey

Birth: 22 Feb 1891 Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware, USA

Death: 7 Apr 1957 Cape Charles, Northampton, Virginia, USA

Father: George Washington Keesey

Mother: Emmaline Davis Ellis

Name: Jacob B Keesey

Birth: Jan 1893 Pennsylvania

Death: November 2 1945 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Conrad Keesey

Mother: Johanna Reese

Name: John Meloron Keesey

Birth: 1866 Richland twp., Clarion, Pennsylvania

Death: 28 May 1941 Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: James Keesey

Mother: Caroline (Reede) Keesey

Name: John Marian Keesey

Birth: 1878 Illinois

Death: 08 Aug 1924 Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska

Father: John Keesey

Mother: America Nutt

Name: Louise Catharine Keesey

Birth: 3 July 1902 York, York County, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Death: 11 Mar 1982 Reading Pa

Father: George H Geesey

Mother: Lavinia Abel

Name: Clara A Keesey

Birth: 2 Oct 1901 Pennsylvania

Death: 05 May 1997 York County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Jacob Keesey

Mother: Effie Anna(Annie)Martha Hyson

Name: Richard Keesey

Birth: November 24, 1916 Iowa

Death: July 1972 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA

Father: Walter Ray Keesey

Mother: Ethelyn Maude Countryman

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