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Results for "kowatch"

Name: John Adolph Kowatch

Birth: 29 jan 1915 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USA

Death: 27 Aug 1971 Westminster, Orange, California, United States

Father: John Louis Kowatch

Mother: Katherine E Schafier

Name: Vincent Unknown Kowatch

Birth: 05 Apr 1888 Orbendorf, Austria

Death: Sep 1970 Palatine, Cook, Illinois, United States of America

Father: Johann Kovacs

Mother: Constantia Kern

Name: stephan kowatch

Birth: 1880 Hungary

Death: 1970 Ionia, Ionia, Michigan, USA

Father: Johann Kovacs

Mother: Anna Maria Stumpf

Name: Ida Kowatch

Birth: 07 Oct 1883 Westphalia, Clinton, Michigan, USA

Death: 5 Sep 1963 Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, United States

Father: Johannes (John) Schafer

Mother: Anna Maria Pashe

Name: John Kowatch

Birth: 22 JUL 1878 Russia

Death: 29 JUL 1945 Sacramento, California, USA

Father: Ludwig Kobaz

Mother: Katherine Shiebel

Name: Leo Ferdinand Kowatch

Birth: 9 November 1913 Fowler, Clinton County, Michigan, United States of America

Death: 13 Jan 1998 Pewamo, Ionia, Michigan, United States of America

Father: Jacob Michael Kowatch

Mother: Theresa Ida Miller

Name: Josephine Mary. Kowatch

Birth: 20 Mar 1922 Chicago, Cook, Illinois

Death: 21 Jan 1992 Died at Home. Buried in St. Mary Cemetery, Evergreen Park Illinois, 60805, Cook County, 69 yrs 11 mo. old

Father: Vincent Kowatsch

Mother: Helena Lebensorger

Name: Frank L Kowatch

Birth: 26 Jun 1894 New York City, New York

Death: FEB 1976 Pearl River, New York

Father: Franz Kowatsch

Mother: Diana Kowatsch

Name: Harry Kowatch

Birth: 4 Aug 1917 Illinois

Death: 17 May 1998 Palos Hills, Cook, Illinois, United States of America

Father: Vincent Kowatsch

Mother: Helena Lebensorger

Name: George Kowatch

Birth: 02/08/1925 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA

Death: July 18, 2002 Glendale, Maricopa Co., AZ

Father: George Kowatch

Mother: Agnes Michalaiowski Zielinski Zelenski

Name: John J Kowatch

Birth: 1896 Austria

Death: 1975 Hungary

Father: Michael Kovatch

Mother: Mary Bedner Bednar Bodnar

Name: Albert A Kowatch

Birth: 24 May 1913 Molino, Escambia co., Florida

Death: 30 Jan 1983 Ionia, Ionia co., MI

Father: Istvan Kovacs

Mother: Barbara Bifath

Name: Jacob M Kowatch

Birth: 20 Jun 1885 Tscheb/Celarevo, Backa Polanka, Voyvidina, Austria-Hungary

Death: 15 Mar 1935 Fowler, Clinton, Michigan, United States

Father: Michael Kowatsch

Mother: Theresia Loonaw

Name: William John Kowatch

Birth: 8 Jan 1926 Jamaica Queens, New York

Death: 6 May 2007 Edgewater, Volusia, Florida, USA

Father: John Kowatch

Mother: Mary Deak

Name: Michael S. Kowatch

Birth: 6 Jun 1920 Loydsville, Pennsylvania

Death: 18 May 2001 Latrobe, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Alexander Kowatch or Covac or Kovach

Mother: Mary Ann Sabo

Name: Emma Kowatch

Birth: abt 1890 New York

Death: JAN 1970 Cresco, Monroe, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Frank L Kowatch

Mother: Emma Elise Bissinger

Name: Mathias Kowatch

Birth: 1864 Metzenseifen, Hungary (Medzev, Slovakia)

Death: 13 March 1934 Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States of America

Father: Andrew Kowatch

Mother: Agnes Bodenlos

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