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Results for "minnella"

Name: Michaelangelo Minnella

Birth: abt 1893 Italy

Death: 5 Oct 1976 Tampa, Hillsbhorougyhy, Florida, USA

Father: Guiseppe Minnella

Mother: Maria Guiseppa Barcelloona

Name: Frank James Minnella

Birth: 10 1925 Passaic County, New Jersey, USA

Death: 3/3/76 Elizabeth, New Jersey, USA

Father: Samuel Minnella

Mother: Marie Cangelosi

Name: Joseph Minnella

Birth: 1908 New York

Death: 09/1955 Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Father: John Minnella

Mother: Angela Pirrello

Name: Theresa Marie Minnella

Birth: 24 Sep 1925 St Louis, Missouri

Death: 13 Jul 1990 St. Louis MO

Father: Fedele Minnella

Mother: Antonia Lena Barbata

Name: Gaetano Minnella

Birth: 1882 Italy

Death: 19 Oct 1941 Passaic, Passaic, New Jersey, USA

Father: Cologero Minnella

Mother: Concetta Castigllione

Name: Thomas L Minnella

Birth: 25 Dec 1922 St. Louis, MO, USA

Death: 10 Oct 2010 St. Louis, MO, USA

Father: Vincenzo (Jim) Minnella

Mother: Vincenza "Virginia" Buttice

Name: Frank J. Minnella

Birth: 8 MAY 1944 PA

Death: 28 Dec 1988

Father: Francesco Minnella

Mother: Rose Marie Carlini

Name: Giuseppe Minnella

Birth: abt 1887 Italy

Death: 1957 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United States

Father: Gaetano Minnella

Mother: Anna Pridla Minnella

Name: Filomena Minnella

Birth: abt 1917 Saint Louis City, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA

Death: 14 Apr 2005 St. Louis, MO, USA

Father: Vincenzo (Jim) Minnella

Mother: Vincenza "Virginia" Buttice

Name: Rachele Minnella

Birth: 13 Feb 1879 Mussomeli, Caltanissetta, Sicilia, Italy

Death: 28 Dec 1937 Queens County, New York, USA

Father: Abraham Minella

Mother: Colagera Salvatrice Cola Minella

Name: Marion Dolores Minnella

Birth: 27 Jun 1914 Frostburg, Maryland

Death: 19 Jan 2002 Georgetown, Williamson, Texas, USA

Father: Carmelo Minnella

Mother: Vincenza Territo

Name: Giuseppa Minnella

Birth: 1798 Misilmeri, Palermo, Sicilia, Italy

Death: Abt. 1879 Misilmeri, Palermo, Sicilia, Italy

Father: Salvatore Minnella

Mother: Elisabetta Lalia

Name: Gaetano Minnella

Birth: 1926 New Jersey

Death: 1984 Irvington, Essex, New Jersey, USA

Father: Vincent Minnella

Mother: Angelina Casapulla

Name: Antonino Minnella

Birth: 1746 Napoli, Napoli, Italia

Death: 25 Oct 1836 Licata, Girgenti, Italia

Father: Domenico Minnella

Mother: Maria Antonia

Name: Caterina Minnella

Birth: Abt. 24 Apr 1811 Gioiosa Ionica, Reggio Calabria, Italy

Death: After 1852 Gioiosa, distretto di Gerace, Provincia della Prima Calabria Ulteriore Italia

Father: Francesco Minnella

Mother: Anna Ali

Name: Donato Rocco Minnella

Birth: 23 MAR 1911 Chicago Cook, Illinois

Death: 17 APR 1988 Hillside, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Christofor Minnella

Mother: Vincenza Warniero

Name: Josephine Minnella

Birth: abt 1908 Illinois

Death: 30 Mar 2007

Father: Ciro Salvo

Mother: Giuseppa (Josephine) Salvato

Name: Vincenza Minnella

Birth: 1807 Casteltermini, Agrigento, Italy

Death: 17 Mar 1837 Casteltermini, Agrigento, Italy

Father: Gaetano Minnella

Mother: Rosa Vicari

Name: Jennie Minnella

Birth: 8 May 1914 New Jersey

Death: 4 Sep 1998 Westwood, Bergen, New Jersey, United States of America

Father: John Minnella

Mother: Angela Pirrello

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