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Results for "morais"

Name: Aimes Walter Morais

Birth: 16 August 1923 Woonsocket, Providence County, Rhode Island, United States of America

Death: 30 January 2012 Sanford, York, Maine, USA

Father: Alexander Sylvio Morais

Mother: Lila M Morais

Name: Antonio Oliveira Morais

Birth: 3 February 1916 Ribeira Seca, Azores, Portugal

Death: 06/01/1992 Palo Alto, San Mateo, California, USA

Father: Francisco Machado Oliveira

Mother: Maria Morais d'Oliveira

Name: Antone Alfred Morais

Birth: 20 Jul 1916 Martinez, California

Death: 29 Apr 1990 Contra Costa

Father: Antone F Morais Morris Moraes

Mother: Amelia Mayo Azevedo Morais Mathos

Name: Paul Bernard Morais

Birth: 2 March 1910 San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USA

Death: June, 1972 San Jose, Santa Clara, California, USA

Father: Frank Antonio Morais

Mother: Monica Rodriguez

Name: Marianna Victoria Morais

Birth: 01/02/1856 Topo, Azores, Portugal

Death: 17 Mar 1901 Santo Antão, Azores, Portugal

Father: Hilario Jose de Morais

Mother: Barbara de Sousa

Name: Maria Umbelina Morais

Birth: 28 JUL 1892 Loural 3, Ribeira Seca, ilha de S. Jorge

Death: 28 Nov 1993 Modesto, Ca USA/9th cousin 4x removed***

Father: Antonio Jose Cardoso

Mother: Maria Umbelina da Silveira

Name: Elizabeth Morais

Birth: 21 Apr 1933 Delaware

Death: 25 JAN 2007 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts

Father: William Clark Stetter

Mother: Lillian Julia White

Name: Norville Winford Morais

Birth: 13 Apr 1896 Washington

Death: 16 Mar 1966 Lake, Montana, USA

Father: Noel Christmas MORAIS

Mother: Maggie Morais

Name: Rosorian Morais

Birth: 1895 Qc

Death: 31 October 1987 Woonsocket, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Father: Alfred Morais

Mother: Mathilde Masse

Name: Felix Morais

Birth: 21 Mar 1894 Portugal

Death: Nov 1978 Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Jose' Antonio De Moraes

Mother: Ana Lopes Vaz

Name: Josephine Morais

Birth: 1898 Canada

Death: 01 JUN 1931 Lewiston, Androscoggin, Maine

Father: Felix-Pierre Morais,(Moret)

Mother: Marie Fournier Morel

Name: Armondo Morais

Birth: 28 June 1918 Barcouco, Aveiro, Portugal

Death: 27 September 1977 Redlands, San Bernardino, California, USA

Father: Eduardo Augusto Morais

Mother: Ana Duarte Costa

Name: Anthony John Morais

Birth: 16 Jul 1920 Gustine, California, USA

Death: 23 Jun 1995 Newman, Stanislaus, California

Father: John R Morais

Mother: Anna Florence Escobar

Name: Albert Morais

Birth: 25 Sep 1934 Gustine, Merced County, California, United States of America

Death: 1 December 2010 Turlock, Stanislaus, California, USA

Father: Serafin Santos Morais

Mother: Maria Morais

Name: Abilio Manuel Morais

Birth: 4 Nov 1884 Tuisendes, Vila Real, Portugal

Death: 14 Jun 1943 Stockton, San Joaquin, California, USA

Father: Antonio de Morais

Mother: Roza De Jesus

Name: Julio Morais

Birth: 31 Aug 1946 Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 19 Feb 2004 Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Felix Antonio de Moraes

Mother: Margaret Josephine Lulewicz

Name: Florence Morais

Birth: Sep 1881 Oregon

Death: 12 Apr 1933 Wallace, Shoshone, Idaho, USA

Father: Noel Christmas MORAIS

Mother: Maggie Morais

Name: Amaro Batista Morais

Birth: 15Jan1936 Topo, Azores, Portugal

Death: 06Jan1999 Gustine, Merced, California, USA

Father: Joao Batista Morais

Mother: Vitalina Rosa Machado

Name: Manuel Joseph Morais

Birth: 26 Jan 1920 Martinez, Contra Costa, California, USA

Death: 03Dec2004 Concord CA

Father: Antone F Morais Morris Moraes

Mother: Amelia May

Name: Chelsie Hazeldene Morais

Birth: 5 May 1903 Kingston, Kingston, Jamaica

Death: May 1973 Monsey, Rockland, New York, USA

Father: Alfred Ernest Morais

Mother: Emily Elizabeth Fisher Morais

Name: Teresa/ Louisa Morais

Birth: abt 1900 New York

Death: 7 September 1978 Greenwich, Connecticut

Father: Pietro Reda

Mother: Mary Ann Borelli

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