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Results for "morino"

Name: Joseph Angelo Morino

Birth: 28 Apr 1893 Soriano, Italy

Death: 21 Nov 1965 Delaware, USA

Father: Giuseppe Antonio Morano

Mother: Rosa Gallo (Acocella?)(Guglielmo?)

Name: John Morino

Birth: 05 Dec 1910 Brooklyn, New York, USA

Death: 19 Nov 1961 Los Angeles, California

Father: Frank Morino

Mother: Anna

Name: Jacque "Jake" Morino

Birth: 26 Feb 1913 Wilmington, California, USA

Death: 01/17/1968 San Francisco,San Joaquin County, California, USA

Father: Costanzo Morino

Mother: Caterina Roccia / Roche

Name: Albino Pietro Morino

Birth: 17 Dec 1919 Black Diamon, Washington

Death: 29 Sep 2003 Centralia, Lewis, Washington, USA

Father: Giovanni Morino

Mother: Annetta Actis

Name: Oscar Morino

Birth: abt 1911 Florida

Death: 6 Aug 1975 Key West, Monroe, Florida, USA

Father: Benito Molina

Mother: Felicia Jiminez

Name: Thomas Morino

Birth: abt 1911 Hawaii

Death: 25 Apr 1992 Strathmore, Tulare, California, USA

Father: Juan Roldan Moreno

Mother: Maria Josefa Munoz y Atero

Name: Vincenza Morino

Birth: 3 April 1898 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States of America

Death: about 1999 Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois, USA

Father: Giovanni Marino

Mother: Anna Maria Vernagallo

Name: Giovanni Morino

Birth: 10 Apr 1886 Italy

Death: 26 Sep 1926 Pasco, Franklin, Washington

Father: Pietro Antonio Morino

Mother: Vincenza Belmondo

Name: Lewis Morino

Birth: 4 Nov 1915 West Wyoming Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Feb 1981 Pittston, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Mike Marino (Marini)

Mother: Virginia Bott

Name: Anne MORINO

Birth: 27 Aug 1915 Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Death: 19 Feb 1994 Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Father: Thomas MORINO


Name: James Morino

Birth: 14 Apr 1917 California

Death: 02 Apr 1986 Ripon, San Joaquin, California, USA

Father: Guiseppe Joe Morino

Mother: Teresa Maria Paseri

Name: John Giovanni Morino

Birth: 28 March 1924 California

Death: 30 Sep 1985 Los Angeles

Father: Angelo Alfonso (Morino) Protto

Mother: Ida (Barli) Morino

Name: Frank Morino

Birth: abt 1916 Connecticut

Death: 20 Oct 1990

Father: Salvatore Felice Marino

Mother: Angelina Bartolotta

Name: Frederic Desiderio MORINO

Birth: October 13, 1918 Edson, Alberta, Canada

Death: May 27, 1977 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Father: Eusebio J Morino

Mother: Lucien Labiae

Name: Alfonso Al Morino

Birth: 14 Dec 1930 St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USA

Death: 28 Nov 1993 California, USA

Father: Alfonzo Moreno

Mother: Juanita Coronado Moreno

Name: Bernard Frank Morino

Birth: abt 1878 Italy

Death: 20 Nov 1942 Rock Island, Rock Island, Illinois

Father: Joe Marino

Mother: Bessie

Name: Lena Morino

Birth: abt 1897 Illinois

Death: 14 Feb 1969 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois

Father: Angelo Ghidotti

Mother: Minnie Ghiotti

Name: Anna Maria Morino

Birth: abt 1885 Italia

Death: 21 Aug 1915 Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, PA

Father: Anthony Morano

Mother: Mary Goyelmo

Name: Vincent J. Morino

Birth: 4 Mar 1923 Newark, Essex, NJ

Death: 27 Mar 2011 Bloomfield, Essex, NJ

Father: Nicola Morino

Mother: Maria Lupo Morino

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