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Results for "o'kane"

Name: Alexander J O'Kane

Birth: May 25, 1883 New York, NY

Death: Feb. 5, 1954 Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Father: Edward (Ned) O'Kane

Mother: Charlotte Harkins

Name: Russell C O'Kane

Birth: Abt. 1893 Ohio

Death: 16 Feb 1978 Sacramento

Father: Henry O'Kane

Mother: Mary L Cook

Name: michael O'Kane

Birth: Mar 1866 Ireland

Death: 5 Mar 1945 Manhattan, New York, USA

Father: Hugh Kane

Mother: Susan Haggerty

Name: Isabelle O'Kane

Birth: Jul 1880 Massachusetts

Death: 25 Dec 1968 Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States of America

Father: John O'Kane

Mother: Sarah Mary Browne

Name: Richard Vairett O'Kane

Birth: 29 Dec 1864 Clinch County, Georgia, USA

Death: 03 July 1925 Plant City, Hillsborough County, Florida, USA

Father: James O'Kane

Mother: Sarah Rice

Name: James O'Kane

Birth: 25 SEP 1855 Shullsburg, Lafayette, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 19 MAY 1931 Marietta, Crawford, Wisconsin, USA

Father: James O'Kane

Mother: Margret Watson

Name: Mary A O'Kane

Birth: 20 February 1874 Kansas

Death: 23 Feb 1924 Wetmore, Nemaha, Kansas, USA

Father: John Okane

Mother: Matilda McCarron

Name: Michael Lee O'Kane

Birth: Feb 28 1937 W.V

Death: 04 03 2009 Greenville, Greenville, South Carolina, USA

Father: Bernard Goldstein Fisher

Mother: Eva Lee Wood

Name: Eileen O'Kane

Birth: July 11, 1894 Washington Street, Brookline, MA

Death: July 27, 1961 MA

Father: John O'Kane

Mother: Annie Marie Sheridan

Name: Warren W O'Kane

Birth: 5 May 1896 California, USA

Death: 7 Jul 1969 San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, United States of America

Father: Patrick O'Kane

Mother: Mary Herald

Name: Cornelius O'Kane

Birth: 11 Mar 1906 New Jersey

Death: Nov 1971 interred 19 nov 1971

Father: James O'Kane

Mother: Bridget A Shannon

Name: John Patrick O'Kane

Birth: 2 Aug 1914 Philadelphia, PA

Death: 8 Mar 1970 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Father: John O'Kane

Mother: Catherine Campbell

Name: Margaret P O'Kane

Birth: 12 Aug 1859 New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, USA

Death: 08 Mar 1948 New Brunswick, Middlesex, New Jersey, United States

Father: Roger Joseph O'Kane

Mother: Mary Gallagher

Name: Carmel Veronica O'Kane

Birth: 16 Jul 1901 California

Death: 17 Mar 1994 San Francisco County, California, USA

Father: James W Okane


Name: Maudie L O'Kane

Birth: 4 March 1891 Kentucky

Death: 21 January 1953 Mississippi County, Arkansas, USA

Father: James O'Keane

Mother: Rebecca O. Oakley

Name: Maude Ann O'Kane

Birth: 25 May 1884 Delta County, Colorado

Death: 2 Jun 1948 Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado, USA

Father: John J. Barker

Mother: Sarah Alice Spurlin Russell O'kane Barker

Name: Henry Martin O'Kane

Birth: 19 Aug 1846 Polo, Ogle, Illinois, United States

Death: 6 Mar 1927 Polo, Ogle, Illinois, United States

Father: Michael OKane

Mother: Maria Beriah Webster

Name: Sera O'Kane

Birth: 06 FEB 1899 California

Death: 01/31/1995 Santa Rosa, Sonoma, California, USA

Father: Patrick O'Kane

Mother: Mary Herald

Name: James Arron O'Kane

Birth: 29 January 1857 Georgia

Death: 29 April 1919 Polk County, Florida, USA

Father: James O'Kane

Mother: Sarah Rice

Name: Samuel Matthew O'Kane

Birth: 13 Feb 1949 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 23 Mar 2011 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: John Patrick O'Kane

Mother: Mary Haseltine Hammond

Name: Mary O'Kane

Birth: Abt 1833 Ireland

Death: 15 May 1905 Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, USA

Father: John O'Kane

Mother: Jane McKinney

Name: Bridget O'Kane

Birth: 8 January 1830 Keady, Derry, Londonderry, Northern Ireland

Death: 21 July 1925 Guilford, Nodaway County, Missouri, United States of America

Father: Alexander O’Kane

Mother: Francis O'Kane

Name: Lewis Lincoln O'Kane

Birth: 17 OCT 1864 Polo, IL

Death: 31 Jan 1944 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Michael OKane

Mother: Maria Beriah Webster

Name: Annie O'Kane

Birth: Oct 1877 Moneysallin,Kilrea, Co.Derry

Death: 1956 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Joseph O'Kane

Mother: Mary Jane OKane

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