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Results for "tenore"

Name: Josephine Tenore

Birth: 02 AUG 1898 New York, New York, New York, USA

Death: 17 APR 1967 Bay Shore, Suffolk, New York, United States of America

Father: Bartolomeo Tenore

Mother: Teresa Pollico

Name: Michele Tenore

Birth: 05/08/1888 Andretta, Avellino, Campania, Italy

Death: 10/27/1968 Irvington, Essex, New Jersey, USA

Father: Francesco Antonio Tenore

Mother: Antonia Festa

Name: Peter "Pete" Tenore

Birth: 29 Jun 1897 Salerno, Campania, Italy

Death: Feb 1971 New York City, New York, USA

Father: Giovanni John Tenore

Mother: Giovanina Elia

Name: Antonio "Antone" Tenore

Birth: abt 1884 Italy

Death: AFT 1930 New York City (All Boroughs), New York, USA

Father: Giovanni John Tenore

Mother: Giovanina Elia

Name: Antonio Tenore

Birth: 14 Sep 1889 Bisaccia, Italy

Death: 14 Mar 1956 862 Midland Ave, Yonkers, New York

Father: Anthony Tenori

Mother: Libera Mitrione

Name: Domenico "Domenick" TENORE

Birth: Jul 1874 Italy

Death: 1930 Newark, Essex, New Jersey, United States

Father: Michele Tenore

Mother: Rosaria Tenore DiGisi

Name: Alfred Thomas Tenore

Birth: May 26, 1915 Newark, Essex County, New Jersey

Death: 27 Aug 1996 Mercy Hospital South

Father: Antonio Tenore

Mother: Angelina Coviello

Name: Marie Tenore

Birth: 04/02/1910 New York

Death: 10/1985 Bronx, Bronx, New York, USA

Father: Carmine (Charles) Pippa

Mother: Parma Laurita

Name: Tenore

Birth: Dec.31,1884 Andretta, Avellino, Campania, Italy

Death: 30 Nov 1962 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Father: Angelo Tenore

Mother: Maria Miele

Name: Teresina Tenore

Birth: 2 Dec 1905 Cook, Illinois, United States

Death: 28 Jul 1988 Granada Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA

Father: Pasquale Antonio Tenore

Mother: Anunziata Perrone

Name: Catherine Tenore

Birth: 20 Mar 1918 New York, New York

Death: 12 Sep 2002 Bronx, Bronx, New York, USA

Father: Mike Tinori

Mother: Annie Tinore

Name: Antonio Tenore

Birth: 9 Jun 1886 Bisaccio, Italy

Death: 10 DEC 1947 Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio

Father: Giuseppe Tenore

Mother: Serafina Salzarulo

Name: Anthony Tenore

Birth: 27 Jul 1912 New York City, New York, USA

Death: 22 Jan 2004 Sea Girt, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA

Father: Thomas Tenore

Mother: Maggie Tingalla

Name: Frank Francesco Tenore

Birth: 20 Jan 1914 Bisaccia, Avellino, Campania, Italy

Death: 09 Dec 1980 Flushing, Genesee, Michigan, USA

Father: Anthonio Tenore

Mother: Florence (Seraphina) Fratianni

Name: Therese "Tess" Tenore

Birth: 23 Mar 1920 Elizabeth, New Jersey

Death: 2 Apr 1991 Elizabeth, New Jersey

Father: Michael Anthony Tenore

Mother: Mary N Torsiello

Name: John Tenore

Birth: 30 Sept 1855 Italy

Death: 27 Dec 1921 Bronx New York

Father: Giuseppe Tenore

Mother: Girolama Maria Bovio

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