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Results for "venables"

Name: Thomas Charles Venables

Birth: abt 1831 Shirleywich, Staffordshire, England

Death: Oct 1897 Stone, Staffordshire, England

Father: James Venables

Mother: Elizabeth Shelley

Name: Daniel Venables

Birth: 1779 Whitmore, Staffordshire, England

Death: 5 Sep 1833 Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Father: John Venables

Mother: Ann Keble

Name: Benjamin VENABLES

Birth: 4 May 1882 Bradley, Staffordshire

Death: May 1974 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Father: Job Venables

Mother: Ellen Hodson

Name: Thomas Lydell Venables

Birth: 20 Aug 1880 Amite, Mississippi

Death: 10 December 1948 Monroe, Ouachita, Louisiana

Father: George Watterson Venable

Mother: Louisa Roberts

Name: George Henry Venables

Birth: 27 Oct 1824 17, Queenhithe, London

Death: 1 Apr 1874 London, England

Father: William Venables

Mother: Ann Ruth Fromow

Name: Emma Venables

Birth: Jun 1841 Watford, Hertfordshire, England

Death: Mar 1914 Cheadle, Staffordshire, England

Father: James Anthony Rogers

Mother: Sarah Hall

Name: Hannah Venables

Birth: abt 1821 Lostock Gralam, Cheshire, England

Death: April 1891 Chorlton, Lancashire, United Kingdom

Father: Thomas Baguley

Mother: Mary Hulse

Name: George Venables

Birth: 1877 Essendon, Hertfordshire, England

Death: Mar 1954 Hatfield, Hertfordshire, England

Father: Thomas Venables

Mother: Mary Ann Wackett

Name: William Venables

Birth: 1839 Walsall, Staffordshire, England

Death: Oct 1915 Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Father: William Venables

Mother: Priscilla Medlicott

Name: Thomas Venables

Birth: 17 Feb 1754 Stevenage, Herts

Death: 08 Jan 1836 Stevenage

Father: Thomas Venables

Mother: Rose Nott

Name: Mary Venables

Birth: abt 1770 Sheriff Hales, Shropshire, England

Death: 30 Nov 1851 Sheriff Hales, Shropshire, England

Father: Walter Mansell

Mother: Eleanor Webster

Name: Amy Venables

Birth: abt 1830 Finchley, Middlesex, England

Death: Apr 1898 Greenwich, London, United Kingdom

Father: John Gobey

Mother: Sarah Gobey

Name: Sarah Venables

Birth: Feb 1790 Shifnal, Shropshire, England

Death: 27 Jul 1874 Market Drayton, Shropshire, United Kingdom

Father: John Venables

Mother: Mary Mansell

Name: Katherine Venables

Birth: Abt 1612 Great Budworth, Cheshire, England

Death: Jan 1679 Biddulph, Staffordshire, England

Father: Thomas Venables

Mother: Anne Hare

Name: Edwin Morris Venables

Birth: 17 Apr 1870 Whitchurch, Shropshire, England

Death: 5 November 1925 Sprague, Eastern Manitoba Census Division, Manitoba, Canada

Father: William Venables

Mother: Sarah Lucy Hughes

Name: Frederick William Venables

Birth: 16 mar 1881 Edmonton London

Death: 3 May 1918 Lambeth, Greater London, England

Father: Ernest John Venables

Mother: Hannah Fanny Garner

Name: James VENABLES

Birth: 17 February 1836 Cheshunt, Broxbourne Borough, Hertfordshire, England

Death: 7 Aug 1912 Edmonton, Middlesex, United Kingdom

Father: George Venables

Mother: Elizabeth Sarah Ballard

Name: William Venables

Birth: 17 June 1837 Whitchurch, Shropshire, England

Death: 16 March 1907 Boissevain, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada

Father: Samuel Venables

Mother: Charlotte Buckley

Name: Mary Venables

Birth: abt 1805 Branfield, Hertfordshire, England

Death: 4 Dec 1887 The Infirmary, Enfield, Middlesex.

Father: Joseph Bunyon

Mother: Edith Impey

Name: Bertha Elizabeth Venables

Birth: 20 Jan 1887 Donophan, Ripley, Missouri, United States

Death: 17 Apr 1973 Jasper, Jasper, Missouri, United States

Father: Richard H Venable

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Rushing

Name: Kate Venables

Birth: 4Q 1866 Cheshunt, Hertfordshire

Death: 12 Aug 1942 Lambeth, London.

Father: David Venables

Mother: Eliza Smith

Name: David Venables

Birth: abt 1832 Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England

Death: 1904 Cheshunt Hertfordshire

Father: Benjamin Venables

Mother: Mary Bunyan

Name: Hannah Lucy Venables

Birth: 27.09.1877 Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England

Death: 5.02.1953 47 Wellstead Ave, Edmonton, London, England

Father: Richard Venables

Mother: Elizabeth Killham

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