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Results for "yowler"

Name: Charles Yowler

Birth: 12 Nov 1854 Medway, Clark, Ohio, United States

Death: 5 Jul 1944 Clark, Ohio, United States

Father: David Fredrick Yowler

Mother: Harriet Anglebarger

Name: John Yowler

Birth: 22 July 1886 Pennsylvania

Death: 9 Dec 1966 McClellandtown, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Benjamin Youler Yowler

Mother: Elizabeth Darby

Name: Glenna Mae Yowler

Birth: 17 MAR 1920 Springfield, Clark Co., Ohio

Death: 2 AUG 1994 Piqua, OH

Father: Russell McKinley Yowler

Mother: Glenna May DRISCOLL

Name: Anne B Yowler

Birth: 28 Oct 1853 , , Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Jul 1918 St Johns Cemetery, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United States

Father: Jeremiah Yowler

Mother: Savilla Bruner

Name: Christina Yowler

Birth: 12 Aug 1836 Somerset County, Pennsylvania

Death: 23 July 1923 Uniontown, Fayette, Pa

Father: John Yowler

Mother: Susan Nicklow

Name: Ray Orris Yowler

Birth: 28 Aug 1912 Pennsylvania

Death: 28 March 1989 Brook Park, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Father: Raymond Donald Yowler

Mother: ESTELLA Wirsing

Name: Lucy B Yowler

Birth: Jan 1893 South Union, Fayette, Pennsylvania

Death: 18 Oct 1954 North Union, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Florence Barnhart Yowler

Mother: Anna E McNatt

Name: Amanda Bell Yowler

Birth: 21 Jan 1860 , Clark, Ohio, USA

Death: 7 Feb 1931 New Carlisle, Clark Cnty, OH

Father: David Fredrick Yowler

Mother: Harriet Anglebarger

Name: Anna YOWLER

Birth: 1836 Maryland

Death: 27 FEB 1907 TOPEKA, KANSAS

Father: George Yowler

Mother: Elizabeth Bower

Name: Roy Yowler

Birth: abt 1950 Cincinnati, OH

Death: 2 July 2005 Cincinnati OH

Father: Robert Parker Yowler

Mother: Esther Elizabeth Kahl

Name: Emma Amy Yowler

Birth: 25 May 1830 Elk Lick Township, Somerset County, PA

Death: 18 June 1904 Black, Somerset, PA

Father: Adam Yowler (Jauler) Sr.

Mother: Magdalena W Geeseman

Name: Chester Hall Yowler

Birth: 16 Jan 1881 South Union Township, Fayette County, Pa.

Death: 13 Dec 1948 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USA

Father: Aaron Yowler

Mother: Mary Scott

Name: Frederick Whitmer Yowler

Birth: 6 Nov 1914 Ohio

Death: 11 Jun 2005 Eustis, Lake, Florida

Father: David Frederick Yowler

Mother: Deliah Cora Whitmer

Name: Bruce H Yowler

Birth: 12 APR 1899 Connelsville Twp Fayette Co, Pa

Death: Apr 1965 Rock Island, Rock Island, Illinois, USA

Father: Charles Dallas YOWLER

Mother: Sarah Hyatt

Name: Harriett Elizabeth Yowler

Birth: 29 Dec 1869 Clark, Ohio, United States

Death: 7 Sep 1927 Clark, Ohio

Father: Jonathan Manuel Yowler

Mother: Sarah E Bodiker

Name: Claude Eugene Yowler

Birth: 2 Jun 1910 Cavetown, Washington, Maryland, USA

Death: 1 Jun 1991 Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland

Father: George Edgar Yowler

Mother: Mary E Houser

Name: Mahala Susanna Yowler

Birth: 6 Mar 1840 , , Maryland, USA

Death: 1910 , Clark, Ohio, USA

Father: David Fredrick Yowler

Mother: Harriet Anglebarger

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