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Record information. Name Albert McTighe[Albert Mc Tighe]Military EnglandResidence Record information. Name Edward McTighe[Edward Mc Tighe]Military IrelandResidence Record information. Name Anthony Charles McTighe[Anthony Charles Mc Tighe]Relative xxxx Mc TigheBirth Residence xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Kings, New York, USARecord information. Name Albert McTighe[Albert Mc Tighe]Record information. Name Edward McTighe[Edward Mc Tighe]Residence Record information. Name Francis McTighe[Francis Mc Tighe]Record information. Name Francis McTighe[Francis Mc Tighe]Residence Record information. Name Joseph McTighe[Joseph Mc Tighe]Record information. Name Michael McTighe[Michael Mc Tighe]Record information. Name Michael McTighe[Michael Mc Tighe]Record information. Name Patrick McTighe[Patrick Mc Tighe]Record information. Name Wilfred McTighe[Wilfred Mc Tighe]Residence Record information. Name Charles McTighe[Charles Mc Tighe]Birth Residence xxxxxxxxx Broome County, New York, USARecord information. Name William McTighe[William Mc Tighe]Relative Record information. Name William McTighe[William Mc Tighe]Relative Record information. Name John Joseph McTighe[John Joseph Mc Tighe]Birth Residence xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Plymouth, Massachusetts, USARecord information. Name Francis McTighe[Francis Mc Tighe]Birth Military IrelandResidence Record information. Name John Desmond McTighe[John Desmond Mc Tighe]Relative xxxxxxxxx xx McTigheBirth Residence xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Washington, District of Columbia, USARecord information. Name Patrick McTighe[Patrick Mc Tighe]Birth Residence
- [Anthony Charles Mc Tighe]RelativeMc TigheBirthResidenceKings, New York, USAU.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- [Albert Mc Tighe]
- [Francis Mc Tighe]
- [Joseph Mc Tighe]
- [Michael Mc Tighe]
- [Michael Mc Tighe]
- [Patrick Mc Tighe]
- U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- [John Desmond Mc Tighe]RelativeMcTigheBirthResidenceWashington, District of Columbia, USAU.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- [John Henry Mc Tighe]RelativeMc TigheBirthResidenceCortland County, New York, USAU.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- Canada, World War I CEF Personnel Files, 1914-1918Soldier, Veteran & Prisoner Rolls & Lists