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- George Ellis Elis G. E. Kirk found in
Record information. Birth Greenup, Kentucky, USA Marriage Franklin, Ohio, USA Residence Lac qui Parle, Minnesota, USA Death Kentucky, USA Record information. Father (1897- ) Mother (1902- ) Spouse Virgie Virga Lenora Leora V. L. Edmunds Edmonds (1929- ) 70696 People10 Records11 Sources - G E KIRKG E KIRK from tree The History of MeNo publicly available LifeStory events
Record information. Spouse Lola J HAMBRICK (Born 1895) 24834 People0 Records0 Sources - G E KirkG E Kirk from tree Moore FamilyNo publicly available LifeStory events
Record information. Spouse Sarah E Woods (Born 1872) 123350 People0 Records0 Sources - Albert Edwin Gladstone Kirk found in
Record information. Birth Lancashire, England Residence Lancashire, England Death Lancashire, England Record information. Father (Born 1838) Record information. Mother (1844- ) 61403 People3 Records4 Sources - E G Kirk found inE G Kirk from tree Chaffin Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1870 Kentucky, USA Residence Lawrence, Kentucky, USA Record information. Spouse Jane Kirk (Born 1877) 232 People1 Record1 Source - Frank G Kirk found inFrank G Kirk from tree Jensen Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1931 Pennsylvania, USA Marriage Fairfield, Connecticut, USA Residence Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA Death Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA Record information. Spouse Phyllis C Paoletta (Born 1932) 24486 People6 Records6 Sources - Susie Gertrude Kirk found inSusie Gertrude Kirk from tree Kirk Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1903 New York, USA Residence Tioga, New York, USA Death Tioga, New York, USA Record information. Father (1878- ) Record information. Mother (1881- ) 195000 People7 Records8 Sources - Horace G Kirk found inHorace G Kirk from tree whitehead Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1902 Tennessee, USA Residence Jefferson, Kentucky, USA Death Jefferson, Kentucky, USA Record information. Father (1865- ) Mother (1879- ) Spouse Audra Kirk (1904- ) 689 People8 Records8 Sources - Mary (Mayme) G. Kirk found in
Record information. Birth Denver, Colorado, USA Death Denver, Colorado, USA Record information. Father (1859- ) Mother (1868- ) Spouse Chauncey Allen Lankton (1886- ) 8417 People0 Records0 Sources - Lillian E. Goldberg found inLillian E. Goldberg from tree Levy Family Tree
Record information. Birth Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA Residence Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA Death Cook, Illinois, USA Record information. Father (1857- ) Mother (1850- ) Spouse Walter Scott Van Kirk (1865- ) 24687 People6 Records10 Sources - Guy E Kirk found inGuy E Kirk from tree humphreys Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1912 West Virginia, USA Residence Kanawha, West Virginia, USA Death Kanawha, West Virginia, USA Record information. Father (1889- ) Mother (1892- ) Spouse Nellie A Kirk (1908- ) 4033 People8 Records8 Sources - Hazel Gladys Almyra Beryl Kirk found in
Record information. Birth 1903 New South Wales, Australia Marriage New South Wales, Australia Residence New South Wales, Australia Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Father (1860- ) Mother (1861- ) Spouse Oswell Oriss Sharwood (1903- ) 115702 People4 Records6 Sources - Grace E Kirk found in
Record information. Birth 1899 Maryland, USA Residence Maryland, USA Record information. Father (1871- ) Record information. Mother (Born 1875) 1226 People1 Record1 Source - Gay E Kirk found inGay E Kirk from tree Donna Lynn Thatcher Sligar
Record information. Birth 1892 Nebraska, USA Residence Red Deer, Alberta, Canada Record information. Father (1860- ) Record information. Mother (1866- ) 31731 People2 Records4 Sources - Guy E. Kirk found inGuy E. Kirk from tree Buchtmann Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1858 Ohio, Kentucky, USA Marriage Ohio, Kentucky, USA Residence Lawrence, Kentucky, USA Death Kentucky, USA Record information. Father (1817- ) Mother (1822- ) Spouse Nancy J Wallace (1861- ) 2308 People6 Records6 Sources - Gloria KirkGloria Kirk from tree Kirk Family Tree
Record information. Birth Jefferson, Louisiana, USA Residence Harris, Texas, USA Death Record information. Spouse Eric Lawson Smith (1967- ) 21 People1 Record1 Source - Kirk Edward Gregory found inKirk Edward Gregory from tree Duffey/Haley Family Tree
Record information. Birth Summit, Ohio, USA Marriage Residence Summit, Ohio, USA Death USA Record information. Father (1927- ) Mother (1940- ) Spouse Donna Lynn Crissey (Born 1965) 20246 People9 Records9 Sources - Gwendolyn E Kirk Findlay found inGwendolyn E Kirk Findlay from tree McCool Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1956 Residence Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA Death Record information. Father (1924- ) Record information. Mother (1929- ) 53278 People4 Records4 Sources - Michael C E KirkMichael C E Kirk from tree Gay's Family Tree
Record information. Birth Yorkshire, England Death Northumberland, England No publicly available family members68 People2 Records2 Sources - mary f e c kirkmary f e c kirk from tree DRAKE Family Tree
Record information. Birth Marriage Berkshire, England Death Record information. Spouse Ernest Albert Kirby (1919- ) 10280 People1 Record2 Sources
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