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- Wilma M Plummer found inWilma M Plummer from tree Frankforter Family Tree
Record information. Birth Madison, Indiana, USA Marriage Madison, Indiana, USA Residence Madison, Indiana, USA Death Florida, USA Record information. Father (1893- ) Mother (1895- ) Spouse Arthur Gerald Stanley (Born 1917) 46662 People13 Records24 Sources - Wilda M Plummer found inWilda M Plummer from tree Stockwell Family Tree
Record information. Birth Saratoga, New York, USA Marriage Saratoga, New York, USA Residence Saratoga, New York, USA Death Record information. Father (1891- ) Mother (1893- ) Spouse Leca H. Harris 915 People10 Records16 Sources - Wilma Mae Plummer found in
Record information. Birth Morgan, Indiana, USA Marriage Rush, Indiana, USA Residence Morgan, Indiana, USA Death Rush, Indiana, USA Record information. Father (1897- ) Mother (1899- ) Spouse Lee R Clark (1923- ) 7927 People10 Records10 Sources - Wilhelmina May Crowther Plummer found in
Record information. Birth Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Marriage Auckland, New Zealand Residence Auckland, New Zealand Death Record information. Father (1869- ) Mother (1873- ) Spouse Arthur Grenville Ward (1907- ) 4414 People6 Records11 Sources - Wanda Mary Plummer found inWanda Mary Plummer from tree Gardner04142014
Record information. Birth 1935 New Hampshire, USA Marriage Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA Residence Merrimack, New Hampshire, USA Death San Joaquin, California, USA Record information. Father (1898- ) Mother (1899- ) Spouse Raymond Michael Saxton (1938- ) 23394 People7 Records7 Sources - Wilda Margaret Cunningham found inWilda Margaret Cunningham from tree Taylor Family Tree
Record information. Birth Allegany, Maryland, USA Marriage Residence Allegany, Maryland, USA Death Allegany, Maryland, USA Record information. Father Mother Spouse Allen Berl Plummer (1931- ) 1066 People7 Records7 Sources - WINIFRED MARY PLUMMER found inWINIFRED MARY PLUMMER from tree GREENBAT Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1927 Marriage Death Sussex, England Record information. Spouse Maxwell Philip Greenbat (1922- ) 554 People2 Records2 Sources - Winifred/Winnifred Mary ("Win") Plummer found in
Record information. Birth New South Wales, Australia Marriage New South Wales, Australia Residence New South Wales, Australia Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Father (1883- ) Mother (1885- ) Spouse Cecil Stanley Fawcett (1918- ) 36892 People15 Records15 Sources - Winifred Mary Plummer
Record information. Birth Lincolnshire, England Death Bedfordshire, England Record information. Father (1880- ) Record information. Mother (1872- ) 289 People0 Records0 Sources - Winifred Mary Plummer found inWinifred Mary Plummer from tree Courtney
Record information. Birth Essex, England Residence Essex, England Record information. Mother (Born 1874) 6067 People2 Records2 Sources - Mary Alta Mauck found inMary Alta Mauck from tree Frankforter Family Tree
Record information. Birth Madison, Indiana, USA Marriage Jefferson, Indiana, USA Residence Madison, Indiana, USA Death Madison, Indiana, USA Record information. Father (1867- ) Mother (1868- ) Spouse Clifford Plummer (1893- ) 46662 People13 Records38 Sources - Winifred Mary Plummer found in
Record information. Birth Sussex, England Marriage London, England Residence Sussex, England Death London, England Record information. Spouse Richard Robert Williams (1895- ) 8270 People7 Records7 Sources - Winnie M Plummer found inWinnie M Plummer from tree pamela Putnam family tree
Record information. Birth 1872 Whitley, Indiana, USA Marriage Indiana, USA Residence Huntington, Indiana, USA Death Wells, Indiana, USA Record information. Father (1841- ) Mother (1842- ) Spouse Charles W Plummer (1870- ) 2737 People23 Records31 Sources - Winifred Marie Plummer found inWinifred Marie Plummer from tree S Doliber Family Tree
Record information. Birth Washington, Maine, USA Marriage Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Residence Washington, Maine, USA Death Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Record information. Father (1845- ) Mother (1849- ) Spouse Horatio Nelson Plummer (1868- ) 17418 People11 Records11 Sources - Mary Ann Allwood Plummer found in
Record information. Birth Lancashire, England Residence Lancashire, England Death Lancashire, England Record information. Father (1816- ) Record information. Mother (1820- ) 2906 People5 Records7 Sources - Mary PlummerMary Plummer from tree Angeline Hope Family Tree
Record information. Death Derbyshire, England Record information. Spouse Roy Huddleston White (1926- ) 47 People0 Records0 Sources - Maureen (Mary) Plummer found inMaureen (Mary) Plummer from tree Duff Family Tree
Record information. Birth Dublin, Ireland Death Record information. Father (1887- ) Record information. Mother (1888- ) 311 People0 Records0 Sources - Andrea Marie PlummerAndrea Marie Plummer from tree Kremer Family Tree
Record information. Birth Marion, Indiana, USA Death Marion, Indiana, USA No publicly available family members16181 People0 Records0 Sources - Hailey Marie PlummerHailey Marie Plummer from tree Bixby Family Tree
Record information. Birth 2002 Death No publicly available family members481 People0 Records0 Sources - Anna Marie PlummerAnna Marie Plummer from tree Main Database
Record information. Death Iowa, USA Record information. Father (1914- ) Mother (1912- ) Spouse William "Bill" King (Died ) 507930 People0 Records0 Sources
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