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- Brian Charles Carline found inBrian Charles Carline from tree Family Tree
Record information. Birth Saskatchewan, Canada Death Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Record information. Father (1905- ) Record information. Mother (1912- ) 278 People0 Records0 Sources - Ann Carline found inAnn Carline from tree Cook Family Tree
Record information. Birth Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Marriage London, England Residence Hampshire, England Death Hampshire, England Record information. Father (1904- ) Record information. Mother (1906- ) 69 People3 Records4 Sources - Gerald "Gerry" Frank Carline found in
Record information. Birth 1942 Death Saskatchewan, Canada Record information. Father (1906- ) Record information. Mother (1912- ) 8066 People2 Records3 Sources - Anne Carline found inAnne Carline from tree Barton Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1937 Scotland Death Halton, Ontario, Canada Record information. Spouse Robert William Urquhart (1940- ) 451 People1 Record2 Sources - Patrick Eric Carline found inPatrick Eric Carline from tree Robush Tree
Record information. Birth Renfrewshire, Scotland Residence Halton, Ontario, Canada Death Halton, Ontario, Canada Record information. Father Mother Spouse Beryl A Hewitt (Born 1934) 7524 People4 Records4 Sources - Elizabeth Carline found inElizabeth Carline from tree Warren Family Tree
Record information. Birth Renfrewshire, Scotland Death Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Record information. Father (1908- ) Mother (1908- ) Spouse Daniel Lafferty (1928- ) 31 People0 Records1 Source - Elsie CarlineElsie Carline from tree Arthur Family Tree
Record information. Birth Dorset, England Death Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Record information. Spouse Robert Arthur 18 People0 Records0 Sources - Roy Carline found inRoy Carline from tree Sheri Arnott Family Tree
Record information. Birth British Columbia, Canada Residence British Columbia, Canada Death British Columbia, Canada Record information. Father (Born 1901) Record information. Mother (1910- ) 143 People1 Record1 Source - Audrey Carline found inAudrey Carline from tree Clarke Family Tree
Record information. Birth Lancashire, England Death Halton, Ontario, Canada Record information. Father Mother (1897- ) Spouse Kevin Clarke (1929- ) 14 People1 Record1 Source - Peter D CARLINE found in
Record information. Birth Durham, England Marriage Durham, England Death New Brunswick, Canada Record information. Father (1899- ) Record information. Mother (1903- ) 91976 People2 Records2 Sources - Walter Raymond Carline found inWalter Raymond Carline from tree base[1]
Record information. Birth Dorset, England Residence Le Haut-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada Death Record information. Father Mother Spouse Marie Alice Genevieve 'Lucienne' Marier (1924- ) 7256 People4 Records5 Sources - Ann CarlineAnn Carline from tree Liddell/Moore Family Tree
Record information. Birth Lanarkshire, Scotland Residence La Vallée-du-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada Death Montréal (Urban Agglomeration), Quebec, Canada Record information. Father (1899- ) Mother (1896- ) Spouse David Jones Griffiths McKellar (1922- ) 8748 People10 Records11 Sources - Edward Joseph Carline found inEdward Joseph Carline from tree Hulme Family Tree
Record information. Birth Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Marriage Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Residence Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Death Alberta, Canada Record information. Father (1893- ) Record information. Mother (1904- ) 287 People14 Records14 Sources - Nina Doris Sanders found inNina Doris Sanders from tree Keith Beggs Family Tree
Record information. Birth Derbyshire, England Residence Calgary, Alberta, Canada Death Calgary, Alberta, Canada Record information. Father (1898- ) Mother (1902- ) Spouse Donald Sanders (1928- ) 231 People5 Records8 Sources - John Burnside Carline found in
Record information. Birth Montréal (Urban Agglomeration), Quebec, Canada Marriage Sumter, Florida, USA Residence Oakland, Michigan, USA Death Oakland, Michigan, USA Record information. Father (1899- ) Mother (1896- ) Spouse Beatrice Azelton (1923- ) 8748 People9 Records9 Sources - Leroy Thomas CarlineLeroy Thomas Carline from tree Soester-Gulliver
Record information. Birth 1921 Canada Marriage Middlesex, England Residence Middlesex, England Death Record information. Father (1893- ) Mother (1893- ) Spouse Jean Sylvia Reynolds (1925- ) 6793 People9 Records9 Sources - Archie Carline found inArchie Carline from tree Flock Family Tree
Record information. Birth Lanarkshire, Scotland Marriage Residence Oakland, Michigan, USA Death Los Angeles, California, USA Record information. Father (1888- ) Mother (1888- ) Spouse Marjorie Elizabeth Reutzel (1924- ) 52656 People20 Records20 Sources - Audrey Adele CarlineAudrey Adele Carline from tree rio Family Tree
Record information. Birth Toronto, Ontario, Canada Death Wayne, Michigan, USA Record information. Spouse Raphael Francisco Rotunno 19 People1 Record1 Source - Isabella Carline found inIsabella Carline from tree Flock Family Tree
Record information. Birth Montréal (Urban Agglomeration), Quebec, Canada Marriage Wayne, Michigan, USA Residence Oakland, Michigan, USA Death Oakland, Michigan, USA Record information. Father (1888- ) Mother (1888- ) Spouse Harold Holton Lowe (Born 1909) 52656 People9 Records9 Sources - Annie Emma Carlin found in
Record information. Birth Ontario, Canada Marriage Residence Ontario, Canada Death Record information. Father (1875- ) Mother (1879- ) Spouse Albert James Taylor (1913- ) 37091 People4 Records5 Sources
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