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Edith Plummer (born year)
Edith Plummer (born year)
Edith Mary Plummer (born year)
Edith & Leonard Plummer - Royal Deaf & Dumb Asylum, Margate, Kent - Edith & Leonard were born deaf
Edith Plummer (born year)
Edith Maud Plummer (born year)
Edith Maud Plummer (born year)
Alice Edith Plummer (born year)
Edith Lydia Plummer (born year)
Edith (Plummer) Prince (born year)
Edith Plummer (born year)
Edith May Plummer (born year)
Edith May Plummer (born year)
Edith Bertha Plummer (born year)
Edith Bertha Plummer (born year)
Edith Bertha Plummer (born year)
Edith Bertha Plummer (born year)
Edith Bertha Plummer (born year)
Edith Bertha Plummer (born year)
Edith Bertha Plummer Dibble (born year)
Edith Bertha Plummer Dibble (born year)