Source Information
Consolidated Lists of Civil War Draft Registrations, 1863-1865. NM-65, entry 172, 620 volumes. NAID: 4213514. Records of the Provost Marshal General’s Bureau (Civil War), Record Group 110. The National Archives in Washington D.C.
About U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865
This is a collection of lists of Civil War Draft Registrations. There were four drafts between 1863 and 1865, which included 3.175 million records. Historically, the 1863 draft was one of the most tenuous moments in the Union outside of the battles fought on Northern soil. Most of the concern was due to the draft riots that took place in New York in 1863.
These records include 631 volumes of registries and are basically lists of individuals who registered for the draft. The records are split into two different classes, Class I are those aged 20-35 as well as those 36-45 and unmarried. Class II is everyone else that registered.
The registry contains information including:
- Class
- Congressional district
- County
- State
- Residence
- Name
- Age on July 1, 1863
- Race
- Profession
- Married status
- Birthplace
- Former military service
- Remarks
The actual draft registration records are available in NARA regional archives and sometimes contain more information than the consolidated lists.