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View Record | Name | Death Date |
Thomas 'a' Orton | xx xxx 1851 | |
Sarah Jane Orton | xx xxx 1890 | |
Hannah Taylor Orton | xx xxx 1870 | |
Harriet Victoria Orton | xx xxx 1917 | |
Elizabeth Orton Gollaher | x xxx 1854 | |
Jemima Jane Orton | xx xxx 1939 | |
Ruth Ellen Orton | xx xxx 1931 | |
Nancy Bailey Orton | xx xxx 1921 | |
Sarah Orton Hamilton | xx xxx 1912 | |
Selina Butt Orton | xx xxx 1924 | |
Elizabeth Orton Smith | xx xxx 1902 | |
William Reed Orton | xx xxx 1889 | |
Rebecca Huey Orton | x xxx 1893 | |
J. C. Orton | ||
Samuel Taylor Orton | xx xxx 1907 |