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View Record | Name | Baptism Date | Baptism Place | Parents |
Maria Felipa Can Sulu | ||||
Maria Porfiria Can Yam | ||||
Marcelino Uc Can | ||||
Vicente Can | ||||
Juan Pablo Can Canul | ||||
Santiago Can Tuch | ||||
Dionicia Can | ||||
Jose Doroteo Vicab Can | ||||
Roque Jacinto Can Huchim | ||||
Jose Huchim Can | ||||
Maria Jacoba Can | ||||
Jose Cecilio Can Yam | ||||
Maria Perfecta Na Can | ||||
Geronimo Can Yah | ||||
Jose Pedro Quituc Can | ||||
Facundo Can | ||||
Antonia Can | ||||
Maria Andrea Chim Can | ||||
Silveria Chim Can | ||||
Thomasa Can Zulu |