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Name: Bertha Steinweg
Birth: 28 Nov 1867 Aschersleben, Germany
Death: 31 Aug 1948 Napa County, California, USA
Father: Christian Andreas Steinweg
Mother: Amalie Wilhelmine Elisabeth Fischmann
Name: Bertha Steinweg
Birth: 17 July 1909 Münster, Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia
Death: 22 August 1993 Münster, Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia
Father: Benjamin Israel Steinweg
Mother: Dora Levi
Name: Bertha Steinweg
Birth: 06 Dec 1858 Lüdenscheid, Westfalen, Preußen, Germany
Death: Not Available Germany
Father: Reiner Steinweg
Mother: Marie Basse
Name: Bertha Steinweg
Birth: 13 Dec 1899 Münster, Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia
Death: Not Available Germany
Father: Jakob Steinweg
Mother: Rosalie Natan
Name: Bertha Steinweg
Birth: 24 Oct 1865
Death: 04 Sep 1934
Father: Markus Steinweg
Mother: Lena Jonassohn
Name: Bertha Steinweg
Birth: 18 Aug 1853
Death: Not Available
Father: Heinrich Steinweg
Mother: Luise Hartscher
Name: Bertha Steinweg
Birth: 21 Sep 1847
Death: Not Available
Father: Moses Steinweg
Mother: Eva Cohn
Name: Bertha Christiana Johanne Steinweg
Birth: 1 Aug 1861
Death: 2 Juni 1893 Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
Father: Ludwig Hermann Steinweg
Mother: Louise Henriette Moritz
Name: Bertha Steinweg
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
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