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frances m

Results for "frances m plummer"

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Name: Frances Hanna Plummer

Birth: Jan 20, 1917 San Diego, San Diego, California, USA

Death: Oct 7, 1978 Mendocino, California USA

Father: William George Fenn

Mother: Louise Mae Miller

Name: Frances Bennoch Plummer

Birth: 25 Nov 1888 Bangor, Penobscot, Maine

Death: 26 Jan 1978 Durham, Durham, North Carolina

Father: Hazen Mitchell Plummer

Mother: Mary Lobdell

Name: Frances "Fannie" Plummer

Birth: 1 APR 1812 Addison, Washington, Maine, USA

Death: 20 Jun 1892 Harrington, Washington County, Maine

Father: Jesse Jeremiah Plummer

Mother: Abigail Yeaton

Name: Frances Lucille Plummer

Birth: 9 January 1919 Pennsylvania, United States of America

Death: 30 January 1998 Colorado, United States of America

Father: Walton Chanlon Gurganious

Mother: Mary Abigail Clark

Name: Frances Plummer

Birth: 16 Oct 1840 Hendricks, Indiana, USA

Death: 15 Oct 1896 Hendricks County, Indiana, USA

Father: Joseph Plummer

Mother: Ann Day

Name: Frances M. Clemmer

Birth: 20 Dec 1884 Ohio

Death: Sep 1984 Antwerp, Paulding, Ohio, USA

Father: Francis Clemmer

Mother: Anna Maria Terwilleger

Name: Frances Ellen Plummer

Birth: 3 Dec 1919 Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, USA

Death: 25 Sep 1999 Centralia, Audrain County, Missouri, USA

Father: Charles Benjamin Plummer

Mother: Vera Letha Phillips

Name: Frances Plumer

Birth: Apr 1893 Iowa

Death: JAN 1987 Caldwell, Canyon Co, ID ?

Father: Frank Henry Plumer

Mother: Margaret Pullman

Name: Frances Plummer

Birth: 6 Apr 1879 Marietta, Washington, Ohio

Death: before 1969 Ohio, USA

Father: John Anderson Plumer

Mother: Frances Adelia Hart

Name: Frances Joan Plummer

Birth: 03 May 1929 Springfield, Sangamon, IL

Death: 05 Sep 1996 Springfield, Sangamon, IL

Father: Clarence Plummer

Mother: Mary Frances Mc Govern

Name: Frances Plummer

Birth: 1914 North Carolina

Death: 2006 Clover, York, South Carolina

Father: John Alexander Sawyer

Mother: Mollie Louise Smith

Name: Frances Ellen Plummer

Birth: 11 June 1918 District of Columbia

Death: 18 April 1986 Logansport, Cass, Indiana, USA

Father: Rudolph L Plummer

Mother: Mary E Daly

Name: Frances Plummer

Birth: 4/1852 Manchester, Dearborn County, Indiana,USA

Death: 1935 Stark County, Illinois, USA

Father: Freeman Plummer

Mother: Serecta A Rollins

Name: Frances Elizabeth Plummer

Birth: 1 Oct 1939 Bath, Maine

Death: 10 Jan 2004 Tulare, Tulare, California, USA

Father: Frank L Plummer

Mother: Grace M Boyce

Name: Frances Clemmer

Birth: 1901 Coon Rapids, Carroll, Iowa

Death: Nov 1943 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa, USA

Father: George CLEMMER

Mother: Mary Catherine Sullivan

Name: Frances Marvin Plummer

Birth: 29 Mar 1918 Kansas

Death: 10 Mar 1985 Woodland Hills, California

Father: Joy Roswell Plummer

Mother: Mildred Catherine Caton

Name: Frances L Clammer

Birth: abt 1905 Colorado

Death: 9 Nov 1973 Tempe, Maricopa, Arizona, United States of America

Father: George Clammer

Mother: Palma Talbott

Name: Frances Clemmer

Birth: abt 1906 Washington

Death: Mar 1969 Hopewell, Hopewell City, Virginia, United States of America

Father: Howard S. Clemmer

Mother: Blanche Heloise Watters

Name: Frances Norrine Plummer

Birth: 7 Apr 1925 Santa Clara, California

Death: 1 May 1987 Los Angeles

Father: Frank Norris PLUMMER

Mother: Sara Belle White

Name: Frances Lucille Plummer

Birth: 25 Jan 1925 Tiff City, McDonald, Missouri, USA

Death: 08 May 2005 Deming, Luna County, New Mexico

Father: Henry Albert Plummer

Mother: Lovie May Stout

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