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Results for "John Estes"

1 - 25 of 3,305 Records

John Elzy Estes - 1893 to 1971

Birth: 20 Jun 1893 Ellis, Co. Texas, USAbirth0

Death: 13 Apr 1971 Carthage, Panola, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: John T Estes

Mother: Almedia Waldrop

John Lester ESTES - 1892 to 1956

Birth: 21 Nov 1892 Louisville, Winston, Mississippi, USAbirth1

Death: 2 Apr 1956 Jones County, Mississippi, USAdeath1


Father: Ferdinand (Fred) Estes

Mother: Loula 'Lou' Clark Estes

John F Estes - 1867 to 1940

Birth: 8 July 1867 Briensburg, Marshall, Kentucky, USAbirth2

Death: 12 Feb 1940 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texasdeath2


Father: William Lewis Estes

Mother: Mary Louisa Dyke

John Estes - 1811 to 1885

Birth: 18 Aug 1811 China, MEbirth3

Death: 10 May 1885 Mainedeath3


Father: Caleb Estes

Mother: Charlotte Day

John Porter Estes - 1905 to 1968

Birth: 15 Oct 1905 Wilson Co Tennessee, USAbirth4

Death: Jan 1968 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, United Statesdeath4


Father: Henry Clay Estes

Mother: Sarah Hester

John Noah Estes - 1850 to 1926

Birth: DEC 1850 Barren CO KYbirth5

Death: 15 Nov 1926 Johnson City, Washington, Tennessee, USAdeath5


Father: William Peter Estes

Mother: Melinda P Whitlow

John Brady Estes - 1894 to 1977

Birth: 05 Jul 1894 Tennesseebirth6

Death: 19 Mar 1977 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath6


Father: Joel Dean Estes

Mother: Cynthia Myatt

John Earl Estes - 1897 to 1967

Birth: 20 Jul 1897 ,Saline, Illinois, USAbirth7

Death: 9 Apr 1967 Harrisburg, Saline, Illinois, USAdeath7


Father: Joseph H. Estes

Mother: Margaret Jane Travelstead

John Elzy Estes - 1911 to 1967

Birth: 29 JUN 1911 Dos Cabezas, Cochise, Arizona, United Statesbirth8

Death: 7 JUL 1967 Springerville, Apache, Arizona, United Statesdeath8


Father: Elzy Glick Estes

Mother: Elizabeth Stephens

John G. Estes - 1858 to 1927

Birth: 1858 Hamlin's Gore, Woodstock, Mainebirth9

Death: 17 Feb 1927 Bryant Pond, Oxford, Maine, USAdeath9


Father: Josiah Estes

Mother: Arabella Buck

John Oscar Estes - 1883 to 1949

Birth: 20 May 1883 Joseph, Wallowa County, Oregon, United States of Americabirth10

Death: 10 Jan 1949 Wallowa County, Oregon, United States of Americadeath10



Mother: Julia Ann Tucker

John Church Estes - 1841 to 1913

Birth: 01 Mar 1841 New yorkbirth11

Death: 1913 Lenox twp, Macomb ,Co. , Michigandeath11



Mother: Ruth Niles ALLEN

John Riley Estes - 1879 to 1953

Birth: 25 Sep 1879 Fulton County, Illinoisbirth12

Death: 28 APR 1953 Canton, Fulton, Illinois, United Statesdeath12


Father: John Estes

Mother: Caroline C Beckstead

John H Estes - 1905 to 1971

Birth: abt 1905 Tennessee, USAbirth13

Death: 05/09/1971 Centerville, Tennessee, USAdeath13


Father: Joseph Monroe Estes

Mother: Nancy Margaret Tyler

John Peeler Estes - 1936 to 1991

Birth: 10 Aug 1936 McLennan Co., Texasbirth14

Death: 20 Nov 1991 Lorena, TXdeath14


Father: John Claude Estes

Mother: Elizabeth Ruth Williams

John Russell Estes - 1924 to 2001

Birth: 15 Apr 1924 Danville Boyle Co KYbirth15

Death: 5 DEC 2001 Lexington, Fayette, Kentuckydeath15


Father: Edward Bradley Estes

Mother: Grace M. Cosby

John William ESTES - 1878 to 1959

Birth: 10 March 1878 Elmore, Pickens County, Alabamabirth16

Death: 30 August 1959 Millport, Lamar County, Alabama, United States of Americadeath16


Father: James Addison Estes

Mother: Mary Harper

John Thomas Estes - 1856 to 1947

Birth: 7 MAY 1856 Steedman, Callaway County, Missouribirth17

Death: 28 JUL 1947 Hatton, Callaway County, Missourideath17


Father: William Riley Estes

Mother: Margaret Ann O'Donnell

John Earl Estes - 1897 to 1967

Birth: 20 Jul 1897 ,Saline, Illinois, USAbirth18

Death: 9 Apr 1967 Harrisburg, Saline, Illinois, USAdeath18


Father: Joseph H. Estes

Mother: Margaret Jane Travelstead

John T. Estes - 1877 to 1961

Birth: 11 Sep 1877 Chester, South Carolina, USAbirth19

Death: 26 Jan 1961 Chester, South Carolina, USAdeath19


Father: George Washington Estes

Mother: Sarah Hogge

John H. Estes - 1866 to 1949

Birth: 1866 Alabamabirth20

Death: 31 Dec 1949 Palo Pinto, Texasdeath20


Father: Willian A Estes

Mother: Catherine Estes

John Estes - 1893 to 1961

Birth: 23 August 1893 Plantersville, Lee, Mississippi, USAbirth21

Death: 27 November 1961 Plantersville, Lee, Mississippi, USAdeath21


Father: John Kennedy Estes

Mother: Cordie Montgomery Partlow

John Early Estes - 1898 to 1967

Birth: abt 1898 North Carolinabirth22

Death: 9 Mar 1967 Leaksville, Rockingham, North Carolina, USAdeath22


Father: James Calvin Estes

Mother: Adelaide "Addie" Kemp

John Estes - 1804 to 1881

Birth: 28 Apr 1804 Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USAbirth23

Death: 3 Mar 1881 Flippin, Marion, Arkansas, USAdeath23


Father: Gallant Estes

Mother: Margaret "Peggy" Barnhill

John Myler Estes - 1873 to 1953

Birth: 22 Oct 1873 Mattoon, Coles, Illinois, USAbirth24

Death: 18 Nov 1953 Pittsburg, Crawford, Kansas, USAdeath24


Father: Joseph Henry Estes

Mother: Amanda Jane Myler

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