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Results for "Mary J"

1 - 25 of 3,963 Records

Mary J - 1853 to 1931

Birth: 13 Nov 1853 Chesterfield County, South Carolina, United States of Americabirth0

Death: 21 Jun 1931 Chesterfield County, South Carolina, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Richard "Dick" Oliver

Mother: Sarah Hancock

Mary J - 1925 to 2006

Birth: abt 1925 Cambridge GU, Ohiobirth1

Death: 17 Aug 2006 Ohio, USAdeath1


Father: Howard Wilson Foreman

Mother: Mabel Virginia Haas *

Mary J - 1925 to 2006

Birth: abt 1925 Cambridge GU, Ohiobirth2

Death: 17 Aug 2006 Ohio, USAdeath2


Father: Howard Wilson Foreman

Mother: Mabel Virginia Haas *

Mary J - 1860 to 1940

Birth: 1860 Alabamabirth3

Death: 19 JUN 1940 Cleburne County, Alabamadeath3


Father: haywood brookin wise

Mother: Mary Ann Campbell

Mary J - 1853 to 1931

Birth: 13 Nov 1853 Chesterfield County, South Carolina, United States of Americabirth4

Death: 21 Jun 1931 Chesterfield County, South Carolina, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Richard "Dick" Oliver

Mother: Sarah Hancock

Mary J J - 1847 to 1895

Birth: 1847 Michigan, USAbirth5

Death: 17 Oct 1895 Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USAdeath5


Father: Michael donahue

Mother: Lucy

Mary J J - 1847 to 1895

Birth: 1847 Michigan, USAbirth6

Death: 17 Oct 1895 Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USAdeath6


Father: Michael donahue

Mother: Lucy

Mary J - 1834 to 1919

Birth: JUL 1834 Indianabirth7

Death: 21 March 1919 Georgetown, Floyd, Indiana, USAdeath7


Father: James Taylor Green

Mother: Elizabeth Baldwin

Mary J - 1827 to 1913

Birth: Abt. 1827 PAbirth8

Death: 01 Aug 1913 Moorestown, Burlington Co., NJdeath8


Father: Isaac Randolph Clevenger

Mother: Abigal G. WRIGHT

Mary J - 1865 to 1939

Birth: 14 July 1865 East Staffordshire Borough, Staffordshire, Englandbirth9

Death: 9 November 1939 Athens, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath9


Father: Thomas Webster

Mother: Hannah Cotwell

Mary J - 1855 to 1943

Birth: 1855 Rockbridge County, Virginia, USAbirth10

Death: 1943 Yukon Cemetery, Yukon, Canadian County, Oklahoma, USAdeath10


Father: James M. Wallace

Mother: Mary A. Clarke

Mary J - 1820 to 1905

Birth: 16 Apr 1820 Indianabirth11

Death: 9 Dec 1905 Cross Plains, Ripley, Indiana, USAdeath11


Father: John Williams

Mother: Elizabeth Betsy Copeland

Mary J - 1801 to 1884

Birth: abt 1801 Radford, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth12

Death: 1884 Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath12


Father: John Selby

Mother: Ann Doughty

Mary J - 1838 to 1907

Birth: 1838 Allegany County, New York, United States of Americabirth13

Death: 1907 Scio, Allegany Co., NYdeath13


Father: Hiram Smith

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Thompson

Mary J - 1827 to 1913

Birth: Abt. 1827 PAbirth14

Death: 01 Aug 1913 Moorestown, Burlington Co., NJdeath14


Father: Isaac Randolph Clevenger

Mother: Abigal G. WRIGHT

Mary J - 1800 to 1882

Birth: abt 1800 Fraystrop, Pembrokeshire, Walesbirth15

Death: 14 Oct 1882 Paddington, London, United Kingdomdeath15


Father: John Lewis

Mother: Frances

Mary J - 1828 to 1890

Birth: 1828 New Jersey, United Statesbirth16

Death: 14 May 1890 East Meadow, Nassau, New York, United Statesdeath16


Father: Robert Sutton Lawrence

Mother: Catherine Bedell Clowes

Mary J - 1893 to 1965

Birth: 6 Mar 1893 Pennsylvaniabirth17

Death: 3 Aug 1965 Uniontown, Fayette, Pennsylvania, USAdeath17


Father: Amadee Barr

Mother: Martha Rebecca SOUTH

Mary Elizabeth J - 1903 to 1988

Birth: 6 Dec 1903 , , Virginiabirth18

Death: 27 MAY 1988 Richmond County, Virginia, USAdeath18


Father: Horatio "Rash" Jones

Mother: Annie Lee BELL

Mary J - 1863 to 1927

Birth: 12 Nov 1863 Steuben Cobirth19

Death: 03 Jan 1927 Salem, Steuben, Indiana, USAdeath19


Father: Michael Kline

Mother: Elizabeth Dietz

Mary J - 1868 to 1905

Birth: 1868 New Yorkbirth20

Death: 8 Mar 1905 Ontario, Wayne, New York, USAdeath20


Father: Francis Abner Hill

Mother: Martha Sophia Patterson

Mary E J - 1872 to 1945

Birth: Jul 1872 Pennsylvaniabirth21

Death: abt 1945 New jerseydeath21


Father: Samuel Lewis Jenkins

Mother: Francis Jane Deaves

Mary J - 1833 to 1855

Birth: 1833 Portsmouth, Norfolk County, Virginia, USAbirth22

Death: 18 Sep 1855 Portsmouth, Norfolk County, Virginia, USAdeath22


Father: Joseph H. Lawrence

Mother: Susannah Lake

Mary J - 1871 to 1949

Birth: Abt. 1871 New Jerseybirth23

Death: 1949 New Jersey, USAdeath23


Father: Jacob Cummins Hart

Mother: Lucinda L Hart

Mary E J - 1872 to 1945

Birth: Jul 1872 Pennsylvaniabirth24

Death: abt 1945 New jerseydeath24


Father: Samuel Lewis Jenkins

Mother: Francis Jane Deaves

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