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Results for "pink"

Name: Annie Elizabeth Pink

Birth: April 1877 Camberwell, London, England

Death: Jul 1912 Wandsworth, London, England.

Father: Alfred Pink

Mother: Jane Gamblen

Name: martin pink

Birth: 15 Jul 1895 Italy

Death: 21 Jan 1981 CHICAGO, ILL

Father: John Pink

Mother: Maria Talarico

Name: Edmund Pink

Birth: 1814 Colemore, Hampshire, England

Death: 19 Oct 1890 Midhurst Hampshire England



Name: Henry Phillip Pink

Birth: January 1891 Colemore, Hampshire, England

Death: Mar 1951 Taunton, Somerset, England

Father: George Pink

Mother: Arabella West

Name: James Pink

Birth: 17 Aug 1800 Alresford, Hampshire, England

Death: 16 Mar 1888 Catherington, Hampshire, England


Mother: Ann Windebank

Name: george henry pink

Birth: January 1846 Colemore, East Tisted, Hampshire, England

Death: October 1912 Petersfield, Hampshire, England

Father: Edmund Pink

Mother: Charlotte Morgan

Name: William David Pink

Birth: 6 Aug 1843 Deptford, London St Paul

Death: April 1878 Bromley, Kent, United Kingdom

Father: David Pink

Mother: Elizabeth Mary Chilmaid

Name: Lizzie Pink

Birth: 5 Sep 1862 Indiana, USA

Death: 16 April 1923 Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA

Father: Samuel L. Pink

Mother: Mary A Sartwell

Name: Sir Thomas Pink

Birth: 5 Apr 1855 Bennington, London, England

Death: 23 Jan 1926 Empire Nursing Home, Vincent Square, Middlesex, England

Father: Edward Pink

Mother: Caroline Childs

Name: Emma Pink

Birth: 13 Apr 1846 Bermondsey, London, England

Death: October 1901 Greenwich, London

Father: James Pink

Mother: Sophia Edghill / Pink

Name: Samuel I PINK

Birth: 5 April 1866, 4,Caledonian Cres , Clerkenwell, London

Death: Nov 1962 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA

Father: John Pink

Mother: Eliza WHEELER

Name: Claud PINK

Birth: 11 Sep 1918 Longview, Gregg, Texas, USA

Death: 2 November 1994 Abilene, Taylor, Texas, USA

Father: Lewis Diggs PINK

Mother: Sophia Halton Hallin Pink

Name: James Horace Pink

Birth: 21 Feb 1868 Blackwater, Hampshire, England

Death: 8 APR 1939 Lewis Trust Buildings, Fulham

Father: James Richard Pink

Mother: Ann Amor

Name: Edward Pink

Birth: abt 1826 Chawton, Hampshire, England

Death: 9 Apr 1906 /jul 1910 Alton Workhouse, Hampshire, UK

Father: William Pink

Mother: Sarah Garnett

Name: James Pink

Birth: abt 1821 St Pancras, Middlesex, England

Death: abt 1874 Middlesex, London. England

Father: James Pink

Mother: Ann Harren

Name: Agnes Marie Pink

Birth: Jan 17 1899 Chicago

Death: Jan 20 1980 Chicago

Father: Alexander Lawrence Pink

Mother: Carolina Friederega Kegel

Name: Ellen Elizabeth Pink

Birth: March 1860 Illinois

Death: 03 Mar 1956 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA

Father: (William) James Garrity

Mother: Ellen Elizabeth Lavelle

Name: Raymond Richard Pink

Birth: 13 Jan 1921 Cleveland, Ohio

Death: 21 Dec 1980 Santa Clara

Father: Eugene Joseph Pink

Mother: Mamie Sabovik

Name: David Frederick Pink

Birth: April 1875 Bexley Heath, Kent, England

Death: Jun 1964 Sidcup, Kent, England

Father: Frederick George Pink

Mother: Caroline Elizabeth Demuth

Name: Henry W. Pink

Birth: 31 Dec 1864 Newton, Hampshire, England

Death: 1951 Rochester, Monroe, New York

Father: James Pink

Mother: Emma Ball

Name: Ruth S Pink

Birth: 28 Aug 1911 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Death: 10 Feb 1992 Walnut Creek, Contra Costa, California, USA

Father: Pink

Mother: Tillie May Perry

Name: Charles Pink

Birth: Dec 1875 Milton, Cambridgeshire, England

Death: 1950 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England

Father: Stephen Pink

Mother: Mary Ann Savage

Name: Hilda Kate Pink

Birth: Jul 1880 Portsea, Hampshire, England

Death: 07 Jan 1965 Isle of Wight, Hampshire, England

Father: James PINK

Mother: Elizabeth Jane AVRIL

Name: John J Pink

Birth: abt 1867 New York

Death: 21 Jul 1947 Marshalltown, Marshall, Iowa, USA

Father: Jos E Pinke

Mother: Isabella Pinke

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